Miss. Shapas's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

February, 2017

Welcome back

I hope you all had a great break! We had some nice weather for mid-February! Now back to school. I will be sending home homework today- due Friday as usual. March is coming up and that means “March is reading month”! We (DuVall school) have some fun activities planned for the kids for March! More […]

Chickenpox diagnosed

Dear Parent/Guardian, An employee who works at Duvall Elementary has been diagnosed with chickenpox.  Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness that generally starts with a slight fever, followed by a blister-like, itchy rash.  Although this is usually not a serious illness, children often miss days at school or daycare thereby causing parents to miss work […]


  Tomorrow is our Detroit Zoo day. Please DO NOT bring money for popcorn. If you have a book order or box tops tomorrow is the last day for them!! Please DO NOT bring a lunch or water bottle for your child. They will be provided by the zoo. These items will be reusable, so […]

5th grade field trip fundraiser

The 5th grade class will be having a fundraiser for their Inland Seas field trip on Valentine’s Day (tomorrow). Both Brera and Yogurtopia (They are next to each other) will give a portion of their proceeds for the day back to us. Brera is giving 15% back (Pizzas 5.99-9.99) while Yogurtopia is giving 50%, just […]

Detroit Zoo

I have some exciting news as you might already know from your child. Ms. Kerby received a grant for our 2 classes to go to the Detroit Zoo! We will be going next Friday 2/17. Admission, Lunch, and bus will be provided by the grant! Permission slip and more information will be provided soon. Watch […]

February Dates

2/14/17- Valentine’s day party 2/15/17- Late start start 9:35 AND 100th day of school 2/17/17- Field trip to the Detroit Zoo 2/18-2/26- No school-break

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