Miss. Shapas's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

April, 2017


Friendly reminders: Scholastic book orders due tomorrow! Please use the coupon attached to buy an extra book. This is a great way to increase your home library, instill the love for reading/books, and to reach their reading scores!  It is important you read to your child and then have them read to you back. Homework […]

ABC Countdown

ABC Countdown We would like to end the year with a fun ABC countdown to the end of the year.  Please read through the activities on this sheet and their descriptions, as some days your child will be wearing certain clothing or bringing items to class.  Participation is not required, but we hope that everyone […]

Note from Mrs. Morrison

Hi families:) We are collecting bottles and cans for students who attend Dearborn High School. Please send your bottles in a bag and kids will put them in the boxes outside of the office or my room (109). We will be collecting them this week and every can helps!  Thank you, ~Mrs. Morrison

Spring Concert

Here is a picture of the spring concert from last week. I am very impressed and proud of all their hard work leading up to the concert! I hope you enjoyed the concert as much as I did! 🙂

Book Bags change

There will be some changes regarding book bags. Mrs. Mogalli and I co-teach during daily 5. Originally the bags were supposed to be returned Thursdays, but instead we (Mrs. Mogalli and I) have decided to let you borrow the bags over the weekend. It is impossible to see all the groups in one day; even […]

Scholastic book orders

Scholastic book orders were sent home last week Thursday. The coupon attached was given because we spent over a certain amount. The coupon is if you buy $5 or more, you can buy another book worth up to $5. It will be due next week Friday.

Teacher From The Black Lagoon play

I have some exciting news to share! My class along with my mentor teacher (for Dearborn Public new teachers), Mrs. Burke, and Mrs. Strez will be going to see the play “Teacher From The Black Lagoon” as well as short other plays at the Dearborn Performing Arts Center. Permission slips are going to be sent […]

Reading bags

Dear Families, Home Reading begins tonight. Your child will bring home this plastic envelope each night and should return it to school every day. Home reading envelopes will come home Monday – Thursday night, but not on the weekend. The contents of the bag include a book for your child to read to you and […]

April Important dates

Wednesday (tomorrow) 4/12- Late start, arrival 9:35am ALSO- kindergarten meeting 4:00 pm in DuVall media center for those that could not attend yesterdays meeting; same topic covered again. Thursday 4/13-Picture day Friday-No school

Kindergarten meeting

DuVall Kindergarten Families, There will be a meeting for current Kindergarten families to discuss the PA 306 Read by 3rd Grade Legislation.  This meeting will share information about how PA 306 will affect current Kindergarten students.  Additionally, the meeting will share information about how DuVall will implement a read at home plan to assist all students […]

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