Reading bags
Dear Families,
Home Reading begins tonight. Your child will bring home this plastic envelope each night and should return it to school every day. Home reading envelopes will come home Monday – Thursday night, but not on the weekend. The contents of the bag include a book for your child to read to you and word cards for practice. When they ask for help from you, please avoid telling your child the word at first, doing this does not help them learn to become self-reliant strategic readers. Thank you for taking time to listen to your child every night. The more often they read and are read to, the sooner they will become independent readers. They will also become more fluent in their own reading and have a higher level of text comprehension. When listening to your child, you can “teach” your child by stopping to discuss what’s happening in the illustrations and the new vocabulary words that are introduced and used in the text.
Thank you for supporting your child’s reading endeavors. Also, please keep all food and drink away while enjoying your books. A lot of funding has been devoted to purchasing these books and we want them to be around for many years to come. For each book that is lost, there will be a five dollar charge.
Ms. Shapas
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