Miss. Shapas's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

June, 2020


Dear KDG families, This will be one of the last blog posts for the year! Be on the lookout for one next week-just in case! Thank you again for all the beautiful cards and gifts you left for me last week and for how you have supported our classroom/remote classroom this year. I will love […]

Summer reading and learning-REPOST

Dear Parent/Guardian,        According to Johns Hopkins University, the effects of summer learning loss can result in nearly a three-month loss in grade-level equivalency in math and a two-month loss in grade-level equivalency in reading.   As a result of the school shut down, estimates suggest students will return in the fall 2020 with roughly 70% of […]

Week of 6-1-2020

Dear Families, I hope you had a great weekend with your family! It was such a nice day and looks like the weather will continue to be nice for the week! How exciting! Here are some announcements for this week. *June 2nd “Desk/Personal Belongings pick up: I went into the classroom last week and packed […]

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