Miss. Shapas's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

October, 2018

Operation Christmas Stocking

Every year, DuVall sends extra Halloween candy to troops overseas. This year we will be sending Christmas stockings along with extra Halloween candy. Every grade has something different to donate to into the stocking. Kindergarten is focused on sending travel size tissues and travel size wet wipes. If you can, please send in these items […]

Halloween party

Click the link for more information. It will take you to my sign up genius page. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B4BABA62FA1F85-halloween1

Week of 10-22-2018

I hope this message finds you all well and staying warm this week with your families! Here is what you need to know for this week in kindergarten. If there are any changes to be made or additional information added, I’ll add them as the week progresses. Have a wonderful week! *Important Reminders: *No School […]

Week of 10-15-18

I hope this message finds you all well and staying warm this week with your families! Here is what you need to know for this week in kindergarten. If there are any changes to be made or additional information added, I’ll add them as the week progresses. Have a wonderful week! *Important Reminders: *Late start […]

Message from DuVall PTA

Good afternoon everyone, The PTA is still looking for volunteers for the Mobile Video Fundraiser this Friday. The link to sign up is below. Thanks a ton! https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/60b0d4eafa72aa31-video/13765820

Scholastic book orders

I sent home a scholastic book order form. Please do not feel pressured into buying something, it is only to give you an option of where and how to buy books for your child for your home library. If you buy from scholastic, it will come to school and be sent home with your child. […]

Week of 10-8-18

Dear Families, Here is what you need to know for this week in kindergarten. If there are any changes to be made or additional information added, I’ll add them as the week progresses. Have a wonderful week! *Important Reminders: *This Friday 10-12-2018 There is a half day of school for all elementary students. Half day means no […]

Week of 10-1-18

Dear Families, I hope this message finds you enjoying this lovely day! Here is what you need to know for this week in kindergarten. If there are any changes to be made or additional information added, I’ll add them as the week progresses. Have a wonderful week! Important Reminders: *Homework packet #2 was due today (the […]

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