Miss. Shapas's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

May, 2020

Student Belongings-repost

DuVall Families, As our school year winds down, we have scheduled Tuesday, June 2nd as a day to allow families to pick up personal belongings that have been left at school due to the shutdown.  During this time, we will follow the same procedure that was used during the distribution of chromebooks and math materials […]

Week of 5-18-2020

Dear Families, This week will be a short week because of Memorial Day. We will be doing remote learning until Thursday and pick up again on Tuesday. We will be “off” on Friday May 22nd and Monday May 25th for a extended weekend with our families. I would like to take this time to thank […]

Week of 5-11-2020

Hello Families,I hope this message finds you well! I want to wish all of our amazing mothers out there a very Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you enjoyed your day with your child(ren)! I saw my parents and siblings (social distancing of course) to spoil my mom as best as we can this year! It […]

Week of 5-4-2020 and material distribution

Hello families, I hope you had a great weekend and got the chance to enjoy the gorgeous weather! Just a few updates: Google classroom has been updated for this week remote learning. I made the deadline for Fridays now as we have to input data. If there is an issue getting things in on Fridays, […]

ABC countdown

Hello families, Below is our remote ABC countdown! It is a fun tradition we do every year! We won’t be posting pictures online, but you’re more than welcome to send them to me if you want! I would love to see your darling having fun! It starts tomorrow. Have fun and stay safe, Miss Shapas […]

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