Please remember everyone in 3rd -5th will be dismissed from the cafeteria. Please park in the back parking lot so you do not disrupt the lower elementary dismissal. K-2 Siblings will be waiting at the back door with Mrs Polster. Come to the back door, collect your younger children and then proceed to the cafeteria to enjoy the fair, when you are done looking at the fair, please check out with your student’s teacher before you leave. Please take your lap books and alternative energy posters home, when you leave. You don’t have to stay until 5 pm, you may leave whenever you want to.
The Upper Elementary Black History and Alternative Energy Fair
Location: Cafeteria Thursday, April 4th
PreK-2nd 2:00-2:45 Parents 4:00-5:00 PM
Please join us on 4/4 to see the Lapbooks that 3rd – 5th graders created on some famous people in Black History. The Green Team will also have projects they created on different types of alternative energy. Parents will park in the back parking lot and come inside to see the fair and pick up their child inside. Students in 3rd-5th will not be dismissed outside that day.
I hope everyone had a great week off and everybody got a chance to rest. I did! My family safely visited the Grand Canyon (the nightmares I had the week before were nothing to laugh about!).
Check your child’s planner and red folder.
Please sign and return the report card envelope, so I know you received the report card AND we can reuse the envelope.
Check out my End of Year Important Dates page on the right. I put everything I know so far onto it to help you all plan and know what is happening.
This week’s homework schedule – EVERY NIGHT READ for 20 minutes/100 minutes per week, mark it on your bookmark:
4.1: Monday – Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark – Math Apply pages: 75-80: 1-6
4.2: Tuesday- Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark, 81-86: 1-5
4.3: Wednesday – Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark, Math Apply pages 87-92:1-5
4.5: Thursday – Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark, Math Apply pages : 93-98: 1-5
4.6: Friday – Read for 20 minutes and mark it on your bookmark, Math Apply pages: 99-104: 1-5