Week of 4-20-2020
Dear Families,
I hope this message finds you all healthy and safe. As we keep moving on during such a difficult time, I look forward to seeing them in our meetings! This week is going to be our first week adding more subjects to the google classroom. Our grade level has been instructed to work 10-12 minutes a day in the following subject areas: reading, writing, math, science or social studies. Included in the work we do, we will also focus on your child’s fine/gross motor skills, movement and exercise and outdoor exploration! I am combining a lot of our subjects in cross curricular lessons (as usual) to make sure your child is not sitting in from of a computer for hours each day and more like if they were in school.
We will be giving “grades” now for the last report card so it is very important to check the blog and google classroom for meetings and lessons each week. If your child is not completing work I will make sure to get in touch to check on your family and make sure that you are healthy and then to help meet your needs. PLEASE do not hesitate to reach out and email, text or call me if you are having any tech issues or if your child is just plan sad. I am here for ALL of it and we are a team!
Office Hours: I am required to hold “Office Hours” daily. Mine will be from 12:00pm-2:00pm. However, please feel free to contact me when it’s convenient for you and I will get back to you as fast as I can! Please never hesitate to send me an email message. I will also ask at the beginning of each google meet if there are any “housekeeping” questions I can answer or write down to ding the answer.
Google Meets/Online lessons: We will meet every Wednesday/Friday at 2:00pm for online lessons as a class! The link will show up on the black and white picture minutes before the meeting to make sure that Ms Shapas is always supervising the students online. I will also be the last to leave the meeting to make sure I close the link when done.
Dearborn Public Schools Continuity of Learning Plan: If you have not seen it yet, here is the link to the K-12 Remote Learning Plan.
I hope you have a wonderful week coming up and that we see warmth and sun we are all craving! Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. THANK YOU ALL for your continued support.
Ms Shapas 🙂
‹ Week of 4-13-2020 Repost from Mr. Attee’s iblog ›