DuVall Cares to the core
April 23rd was scheduled to be our District’s Care to the Core Day. On April 23rd, our district celebrates the way our school communities come together to show that we care about our students and community. Despite the shutdown, we want to continue this tradition because it is so important to help show that we care for members of our school community during this unprecedented time! On April 23rd, we are asking students and their families to show our thanks for our first responders, doctors, and nurses who are helping members of our community as we are trying to stop the spread of COVID 19. Here is what you can do:
- Make a sign that thanks our first responders, doctors, and nurses (be creative).
- You may take a picture of your child with the sign and send to your teacher’s email shapasc@dearbornschools.org or atteer@dearbornschools.org to have the picture on the DuVall blog. You may also e-mail the picture to members of our staff/school families who work in local hospitals and will print your picture or message to share with doctors and nurses in the hospital including Ms. Cibasek’s sister Jamie jamieac07@hotmail.com, Mrs. Moon’s friend Sara sarah.gilbert@stjoeshealth.org, and Mrs. Ross’s husband Jeff jeffmross@hotmail.com. Ms. Sims’ niece, Cate, is an EMT in Ann Arbor. You may forward emails her by sending messages to Ms. Sims at simsa@dearbornschools.org.
- Proudly display the sign in a window in your house for first responders, doctors, and nurses in the community to see!
I am very proud of our students and community because we care! Please stay healthy and safe DuVall families!
‹ Repost from Mr. Attee’s iblog DuVall Cares to the Core ›