APUSH Syllabus


Fordson High School

Course Syllabus: Advanced Placement US History   


Teacher Name:          Sanaa Ayoub

Phone Number:         (313) 827-1400

Email Address:          AyoubS@dearbornschools.org

Office Hours:             Available upon request

iBlog:                          https://iblog.dearbornschools.org/mrsayoub/

 Textbook: Kennedy, David M. et al. The American Pageant (12th Edition)

Additional Readings:  Zinn, Howard. “A Peoples History of the United States.” (online)https://www.historyisaweapon.com/zinnapeopleshistory.html, Kennedy, David M. et al. The American Spirit (2006,) Internet Modern History Sourcebook (Fordham University) https://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook.html

Requirements: All students must obtain a 3 ring binder, and 5 dividers for notes and supplemental resources.

Course Description: Advanced Placement United States History is a rigorous and intensive course that is meant to be the equivalent of an introductory freshman college course in American History. The scope of the course begins with the emergence of Colonial America (1400s), and continues through modern day United States. In this course, students will study the political change in preparation for the Advanced Placement exam in May.

The curriculum guidelines, content, and pace of the class is set by the College Board:


Reading Schedule: The most taxing component of APUSH is the reading schedule. Students are expected to do a considerable amount of reading from both the textbook and from supplementary sources. There will be reading assignments on a weekly basis, done outside of class while class time will focus on applying primary and secondary readings to the content and themes of this course. This will be done in a variety of ways, including analysis of Primary and Secondary sources, class discussions, writing, and other activities.

The class will be covering approximately 1-2 chapters of material a week.  Solid reading and writing skills, along with a willingness to devote considerable time to study, are necessary to succeed in this class.

The AP Exam: Students who master the course may earn college credit by passing the annual AP exam given in May of each year. Individual colleges and universities determine how many credits will be granted for the AP exam score. While students are not required to take the AP exam it is strongly recommended that they plan to do so.

Note: The AP exam is scheduled for Friday, May 10, 2018.

Course Format: The course will be a combination of lecture and seminar (class discussion) formats. Students will be take notes, discuss important readings relating to the themes of United States History, as well as analyzing primary and secondary sources (i.e. speeches, photographs, maps, charts, articles, etc.) Students will be expected to read outside of class, so that the bulk of class time will be availed for questions and discussion. Readings should be done prior to class.

Course Expectations: Your presence in the classroom is fundamental to your success in the class. To this end, do not be late or absent, and make arrangements to avoid conflicts involving this class with appointments and other meetings.

While homework assignments will vary throughout the course in terms of scope and rigor, all students are responsible for completing assignments on the assigned due date. If you are absent, you are responsible for obtaining class notes and completing any missed work. Students with excused absences may complete any missed work for full credit in accordance with school policy. Furthermore, any assignment that has an extended due date is due on the assigned day, regardless of the reason for absence.

Exams: Exams will mirror the AP exam, which is a combination of primary source based multiple-choice questions, short answer questions as well as document based and free response essays.

Exams are rigorous because they are intended to challenge students at the AP Exam level. Moreover, they are designed to give students frequent experience with the types of multiple-choice questions, free-response questions, and document-based questions that appear on the AP Exam. Frequent exams also ensure that students read the textbook and supplementary readings, consistently check for understanding, and take notes that are thorough and well organized.

Both the Multiple-choice and essays will be graded in the same manner as the AP exam, with the essays being graded using the AP’s rubric for the Long Essay (LE) and Document Based Question (DBQ.)

Quizzes: Quizzes are a combination of identification and fill-in-the-blank questions that are designed to review essential material that students must master if they are going to succeed on the unit exams.

Homework: Homework will consist of chapter assignments and readings.

Primary Document Reading Assignments: All students will be required to analyze and reflect on primary documents (speeches, photographs, cartoons, maps, charts, works of art) in preparation for the APUSH Exam.

Classroom activities: Activities will include peer editing on practice DBQ responses and classroom discussion. Students are expected to contribute to class discussions and participate effectively in class activities. Many class sessions are seminars. In order for seminars to work, student preparation and participation is critical.

Parent/Teacher Contact:

Great parent/teacher/student relationships are the key to any student’s academic success! You may contact me anytime with any questions or concerns through the email or phone listed above; I usually respond within 24 hours.  You may also request a conference by appointment.  Both parents and students can track student’s grades through Student/Parent Connect which I update at least once a week.


Formative:   20% of student’s grade will be a combination of homework and bell work.

Summative:  80% of student’s grade will come from quizzes, tests, projects, and papers.

Test Retake Policy

Students may retake a test once after submitting a letter explaining why they failed the first test.  Students also attend at least two tutoring sessions prior to retaking the test.  Tutoring is offered throughout the school.  More information about the school’s test retake policy can be found on my blog.

Grading Scale:

A         100-93%          C+        79-77%

A-        92-90%                        C          76-73%

B+        89-87%                        C-        72-70%

B          86-83%                        D+       69-67%

B-        82-80%                        D         66-63%

D-        62-60%

E            <60%

Participation Points:

Each student will begin each marking period with 10 summative participation points.  Students can lose these points through disruptive behavior or not adhering to rules and guidelines.  Parents can track their child’s behavior and overall effort via these points.

Basic Rules:

I will be following the Fordson Core Value Respect guidelines and PBiS.  These rules emphasize the respect between students and staff to ensure a safe and productive learning environment for everyone.  In addition to these guidelines my classroom rules are as follows:


  1. Be on time (in your assigned seat when the bell rings)
  2. Be prepared (have your books, pencils, paper with you)
  3. No eating or drinking is permitted in class (water is allowed)
  4. No electronics permitted including cellular phones and music devices.
  5. Students are to be remained seated unless given permission to move, this includes at dismissal time
  6. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Student work that result in a 0 cannot be made up under any circumstances


Failure to adhere to these rules may result in the loss of weekly participation points, as well as further consequences including referrals to administration.


With diligent effort on both your part and mine, we can ensure a fun and productive year that leads to nothing less than success!!