Important message about assignments

Hello Parents and students,
Starting this week assignments are due on that specific day assigned. For example, Monday’s work is due on Monday. It will not allow you to go back into Googleclassroom after the assigned day and you will not be graded. Please make sure to get it done. Have a great week!

Oakman Virtual Field Day

Oakman Field Day

May 8th, 2020 

K-2 Choices – Send something in and you will receive a prize!: 

  • Create an obstacle course “Ninja Warrior style” and send the results to your classroom teacher/Ms. Coach on how you do timed and how you did compared to your family members!
    • Use a tent to go under or through, cones, chairs, couches, trees, swingset, musical chairs, etc. Get creative!!
  • Remember a Field Day activity we’ve done in the past that was indoors or outdoors and re-create it, do it, show me or email your teacher/Ms. Coach about how it went!
    • Balancing, sponge or egg races, shoe kicks, tug of war, 2 liter bowling, frisbee, ball drop kicks, etc. 

3-5 Choices: 

  • You know what to do, like we’ve been practicing for the last 3 weeks. Send me in your scorecards and you may get a prize! Do 7-10 event cards please! 

Week of 5/4/2020 Remote Learning

Hello Parents and friends!

Assignments are scheduled to open for the day in google classroom. For example; this means assignments on Monday will be available on Monday. 

I have added Screencastify to my plans. I will be teaching lessons and you will be able to follow along with my video.  Please know that I will be tracking all the students who are doing the work and the ones who are not.  Please try to do work everyday so it’s not so overwhelming.  Below you will see how I am marking grades for this last card marking.

Important Information:

Students receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of narrative comments. 

Meeting:  regularly submitted work and attended check-ins

Accuracy of work assessed on standards/graded/recorded in MiStar

High participation

Progressing:  Submitted most assignments and attended some of the check-ins

Limited Participation:  with one of the following explanations

Rarely or did not submit work (may be required to attend summer school)

Rarely attended check-in sessions (may be required to attend summer school)

Family hardship during the time of instruction (summer support offered)

During Ramadan my office hours are between 4-5 pm where I will be available to answer any questions or concerns on classdojo.

 Here is a schedule of what is expected of you each day.  For example, you look at Monday and scroll down. You will see activities that need to be done for  ELA, Math, Social Studies and Science. You are only expected to finish those listed for Monday. You do not need to continue on to Tuesday or any other day.  When it is Tuesday, you are expected to do the work listed under Tuesday and so on. 

Also, you need to keep up with Gym, Music, Science Enrichment, Media and Art.  

Remember to read everyday even on Saturdays and Sundays!!


Listen to my story in Google Classroom and then complete the assignment.

Your writing assignment is in google classroom for the whole week of 5/4/2020.
Video record yourself reading “The Three Spinsters” & describe character and send on classdojo.

Your writing assignment is in google classroom for the whole week of 5/4/2020.

Read the comparison/contrast chart and then complete the assignment in google classroom.

Your writing assignment is in google classroom for the whole week of 5/4/2020.

Read a story of your choice and describe the  character’s motivation, feelings and traits. Record yourself describing the characters and showing the book you read on classdojo.

Your writing assignment is in google classroom for the whole week of 5/4/2020.

Write your own book about anything on google classroom. Make sure to describe the character.

Your writing assignment is in google classroom for the whole week of 5/4/2020.

Redo L25 Concept Development in Google Classroom (GC)
For more practice go on zearn.
Redo L25 Problem Set #1 in GC
For more practice go on zearn.
Redo L25 Problem Set #2 & 3 in GC
For more practice go on zearn.
Redo L25 Exit Ticket in GC
For more practice go on zearn.
Do Math a thon in iLearn 3 times
For more practice go on zearn.
Social StudiesIn Google Classroom Read Open Book page 90- 91 and do the assignment.
You have all week to read and do the assignment in google classroom.
ScienceIn Google Classroom Watch Mystery 1 video: Why do plants grow flowers?
Then answer the questions in google classroom.
Work on this 20 minutes a day til you finish.
Science Enrich.