Remote learning 4/20/2020
Hello Parents and friends!!
We have added Screencastify to our plans. We will be teaching lessons and you will be able to follow along. Please know that I will be tracking all the students who are doing the work and the ones who are not.
My office hours are between 1-2pm where I will be available to answer any questions or concerns.
Important Information:
For the current marking period:
Students receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of narrative comments.
Meeting: regularly submitted work and attended check-ins
Accuracy of work assessed on standards/graded/recorded in MiStar
High participation
Progressing: Submitted most assignments and attended some of the check-ins
Limited Participation: with one of the following explanations
Rarely or did not submit work (may be required to attend summer school)
Rarely attended check-in sessions (may be required to attend summer school)
Family hardship during the time of instruction (summer support offered)
Here is a schedule of what is expected of you each day. For example, you look at Monday and scroll down. You will see activities that need to be done for ELA, Math, Social Studies and Science. You are only expected to finish those listed for Monday. You do not need to continue on to Tuesday or any other day. When it is Tuesday, you are expected to do the work listed under Tuesday and so on.
Also, you need to keep up with Gym, Music, Science Enrichment, and Art.
You can reach me on classdojo for any questions or concerns.
Remember to read everyday even on Saturdays and Sundays!! I’m adding some readworks in google classroom and books in Benchmark in case you need new reading material.
Spelling Words | ||
geese | people | themselves |
grass | sheep | wolves |
lives | teeth |
Choose 5 activities below. One activity a day. Do your work on paper, take a picture or video and send on classdojo.
- Rainbow words
- Choose 6 words and put them in sentences
- 3 times each
- ABC Order
- Pyramid
4/20/2020 | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
ELA- | Read “Kanchil and the Crocodiles” in Benchmark and answer the questions on google classroom. | Unit6 Screencastify Go to google classroom. | Reread the story “Kanchil and the Crocodiles and do the opinion prompt on google classroom. | Reread the story “Kanchil and the Crocodiles ‘and do the informational writing on google classroom. | Book Review:Send a video on classdojo of you telling what you liked about the book and why you would recommend it to a friend. |
Math | Lesson 24Go to google classroom and don’t forget to Read, Draw, Write. For more practice go on zearn. | ScreenscastifyGo to google classroom. For more practice go on zearn. | Watch the video: On a paper, draw how many 4ths make a whole just like the video. Send it on class dojo. For more practice go on zearn. | Solve the problem set on google classroom. For more practice go on zearn. | Solve the Exit Ticket on google classroom For more practice go on zearn. |
Social Studies | Read Open Book pages 85-87 in google classroom. You have all week to read and do the assignment. | Read Open Book pages 85-87 in google classroom. You have all week to read and do the assignment. | Read Open Book pages 85-87 in google classroom. You have all week to read and do the assignment. | Read Open Book pages 85-87 in google classroom. You have all week to read and do the assignment. | Read Open Book pages 85-87 in google classroom. You have all week to read and do the assignment. |
Science: | Work on this 20 minutes a day til you finish. Click on the link below and then write the answers on a paper to the discussion questions. Once you have finished the video, take a picture of your discussion questions and send it to me on classdojo. | ||||
Gym | | ||||
Music | | ||||
Science Enrich. | | ||||
Art | | ||||
Media | |
Dearborn School’s Temporary Vision Statement

#Students1stDbnSchs Great News!!! Our Continuity of Learning Plan was approved by Wayne County RESA
Click Here to view the Letter to the Community.
We have some great news. Our Continuity of Learning Plan was approved. I want to thank Ms. Faraj, Dr. Chochol, Ms. Peterson, and Mr. Esseily for taking the lead along with the crisis team, extended cabinet members, administrators, union heads, teachers, principals, support staff, Board of Education, parents, and students who participated in the development of the plan and/or provided feedback. Dr. Liepa the Wayne County RESA Superintendent stated the following: “This is one of the most comprehensive and thorough plans I have read. It was well laid out and easy to follow.”
I hope that you and your families are well given the current crisis. My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who has lost a loved one or someone they know. I wish you all the best for safe and healthy days ahead.
Morning announcements
Emotional support hotline

Morning announcements
Hello families,
Starting next week 4/20 we will have 2 Live/ recorded Learning. I will be teaching a lesson and your child will be able to follow a long. All they have to do is click on the link or Scan the QR code and watch me teach a lesson. I will let you know what day of the week and subjects. If you have any questions please let me know.
Have a great rest of the week! 😊
Access to report cards on MiStar
Good evening,
Following is some information on how parents can access report cards data in MIStar ParentConnect and how schools can help parents with login info if parents can’t login. Please note that if a parent uses ParentConnect, he/she should be able to see data for all their students and do not require separate logins for the different schools.
- How do parents login to ParentConnect? To login to ParentConnect, parents need their PIN and password; below are the steps to gain access To Parent Connect.Option 1 (Screen below – Recommended): Parents go to DearbornSchools web site then ParentConnectlink. If they don’t know the login info, they click (Need Your Login Information) link and it will prompt them to enter their email address as provided to the school and entered in MIStar (Menu/Enrollment/Student Editor/Contacts) and click Submit. This process emails them their PIN and Password.
Option 2: please email the school’s principal for alternative way if you have no internet access. Principal’s email is:
The Oakman blog has important information. You should check it daily. You may subscribe to the Oakman blog and then when anything new is posted, it will be sent to your email.
Here’s the link to the Oakman blog:
I also post important information on my blog. You should check it daily. You may subscribe to my blog and then when anything new is posted, it will be sent to your email.
Here’s the link to my blog:
Please make sure you check them daily.
Also, make sure you check my classdojo for daily notices.
Thank you for all that you are doing to help me assist your child during this difficult time. Please continue to stay safe and healthy. You may message me on classdojo if you have any questions or concerns. Have a great day and hope to see you soon.