Hi Boys and Girls! It’s me, Mrs. Grucz, your Science Enrichment teacher. Hope everyone is excited for the new school year! I am š. Your assignment this week is to watch my introduction video below. Since I am not set up on Schoology yet (hopefully by next weekš¤), you can contact me through my email at: gruczl@dearbornschools.org
I would love to hear from you! Send me a quick little message or picture of you.
Looking forward to exploring science with every one of you through videos, books, activities and or experiments!
I am looking forward to another exciting school year! I am beyond thrilled to explore the wonderful world of Science with each and every one of you.
Most of you already know me and have had me for Science Enrichment for a few years now, but there may be some new students and Young 5’s and Kindergartners that have not. To learn a little bit about me please click on the link below. I am looking forward to learning more about all of you too!
While the Schoology platform is new and in the process for all of us to use this year, parents and students please know you can communicate with me by using my blog or email: gruczl@dearbornschools.org
Also, please make sure to start collecting any recyclable items to be used for special STEAM projects. For example: popsicle sticks, toilet paper or paper towel rolls, rubber bands, newspaper, magazines, paper, toothpicks, paper cups, plastic water bottles, paper clips, and anything else you can think of:)
As we wrap up this year, I just wanted you all to know how proud I am of you!!! I am truly missing each and every one of you and am virtually sending everyone a big hug. Teaching all of you this year has been a true joy. Please feel free to stay connected with me through the summer. You are always welcome to contact me through my email at gruczl@dearbornschools.org or on Class Dojo. I Would love to hear from all of you:) Fifth graders, I wish you all the best in your upcoming year and hope you come back to visit. Please stay safe, healthy and enjoy the summer!
This will be our last week of Science Enrichment activities!!!
Who is getting ready to wrap up this year and have some Summer fun? Here are a couple Science activities for you and your family to enjoy doing together!
Enjoy and miss you bunches,
Mrs. Grucz:)
The 2 activities are: 1. Making ice cream in a baggie
Poke a small hole in your plastic cup. This needs to be big enough to stick your straw into.
Pour 1/2 part water and 1/2 soap into the bottom of your cup. You don’t need very much. In total, it will be about an inch. Make sure your liquid is lower than your hole.
Stick your straw into your cup, tilt your straw so it is into the bubble liquid and BLOW!!
This week you have a variety of fun, science experiments to choose from. Just click on the link below to see a list of experiments. Read through each experiment and decide which one looks fun to try and that you have the materials at home to use to complete the experiment. Remember you only have to pick one experiment to complete for the week, but you are always welcome to do more:)
Have Fun! Looking forward to seeing your pictures, video or couple sentences about the experiment. Send to me on your teacher’s Class Dojo, Google Classroom or email me at : gruczl@dearbornschools.org
Hi Boys and Girls! Hope everyone had fun exploring nature last week on your scavenger hunts! I loved all the pictures that were sent to me… please keep sharing your amazing work!
This week I have some fun STEM challenges for you! There are 3 challenges, but you get to choose the one you would like to do. Look at all 3 choices and think about what materials you have at home and which would be best for you. Challenge #1 and #2 are for any grade level. Challenge #3 is more difficult and recommended for upper grades (3rd, 4rth, and 5th), but younger siblings can work with older siblings to complete this. Please scroll down to find the STEM challenges, choose one to do and follow the directions. Have fun!
*****Remember to share your work by sending me a picture or video to your teacher’s class dojo, google classroom, or email me at gruczl@dearbornschools.org
STEM Challenge #1: Family Fort
Directions: Build a fort that your entire family can fit inside. Once it is built, enjoy reading a science book or one of your favorite books using a flashlight:)
STEM Challenge # 2: “Not A Box” Challenge- Can you build something out of a box?
Directions: Click on the link below and follow the google slides on how to complete this “Not A Box” challenge.
Hi Boys and Girls! Hope everyone had a nice weekend. This week we have some new science activities! Thank you to everyone who shared their work this past week. I am keeping track and love seeing your work! Keep up the good work.
For this week please scroll down and look for your grade level(in red color) to see what your activity is!
Young 5’s and Kindergarten–
1. Listen to the butterfly life cycle song by clicking on the arrow on picture.
2. When finished – Create a butterfly life cycle hat. Click on the link below to get a copy of the butterfly life cycle hat materials. Your parents can print you a copy. (If you do not have a printer, you can look at the pictures and draw your own on paper.) The directions on how to make the hat are in the link too. Can’t wait to see a picture of you wearing the Butterfly Life Cycle Hat! Send pictures to your teacher or email me at : gruczl@dearbornschools.org
Click on the link below. A google slide show will pop up. Follow the slides and listen to me as I explain your animal habitat project. You will see a recording of me in the bottom right corner. Enjoy:)
First Link- with google slides and Mrs. Grucz ‘s recording explaining the project:
Hi Boys and Girls! Hope everyone had a nice spring break. Hopefully you and your family got outside and enjoyed the weather when it was warm. Remember I would love to hear from you. You can contact me through my blog, school class dojo, or email me at gruczl@dearbornschools.org.
This week I have three science activities for you. 1. Coranavirus Challenge , 2. Monster STEM Challenge, and 3. Recipe to make slime. You are to do choose one of these activities for the week, but feel free to do all of them if you would like. I am just asking you to please share your ideas and pictures of your completed work. Send pictures or written thoughts to my blog, school class dojo,or my email at: gruczl @dearbornschools.org
Activity #1:
Coronavirus Design Challenge: (This challenge is for grades 2-5th, but if young 5’s, kindergarten and 1rst grade want to do, please have an older sibling or parent help. Thank you!)
How can you stop the spread of the Coronavirus?
PROBLEM: A fever is one of the first signs that someone is getting sick, but it is hard to tell if someone has a fever just by looking at them.
POSSIBLE SOLUTION: people have their temperature taken when they enter a public building. If they donāt have a fever, they are given a sticker with the date on it, so others can see that they are okay.
A PROBLEM WITH THIS SOLUTION is: the stickers get caught up in peopleās hair and/or fall off their clothes. They then fall on the ground and need to be removed.
CAN YOU FIND A BETTER SOLUTION? Design something to help us tell whether someone has a fever or is feeling unwell.
2. Monster STEM challenge (This STEM activity is geared more for lower elementary, but of course older students can be creative and do too or help their younger siblings with.
Click on link below. This is a slide show . Start at slide one and follow directions. The slides will walk you through this activity.
Make slime time:) I know all year students have asked me if we can make slime. So I am providing you with a recipe. Just click on link below and use your measuring skills and follow directions carefully. Have fun!
MATERIALS: ā¢ Borax ā¢ Water ā¢ Clear or white glue ā¢ Two bowls ā¢ Measuring cups and spoons ā¢ Whisk ā¢ Food coloring or glow powder (optional)
Measure out 1 teaspoon of borax and whisk with 1 cup of warm water in a bowl until the borax is dissolved. You can add Ā½ tablespoon of glow powder during this step if you want to make glowing slime. You can get glow powder at a craft store or online.
In the other bowl, combine Ā½ cup of glue and Ā½ cup of water. Whisk together. If you want to add a few drops of food coloring you can do that during this step.
Now, combine the borax mixture with the glue mixture. Mix with your hands and watch the slime form! If you added glow powder, see what happens when you turn off the lights!
Have fun playing with your slime! To keep it fresh, store it in a re-sealable bag in the fridge
Again, please remember to share your ideas and completed work! Send me pictures to my blog, school class dojo,or my email at: gruczl @dearbornschools.org
Hi students and families! Hope you enjoyed the videos from brainpop or generationgenious.com and were able to do some of the science at home activities that went with them. If anyone had trouble getting on sites- login with gruczl and password is oakman 2020. No worries if you were not able to get to, they are always on my blog and you can go back and do another day. Feel free to share any of your work or send me a little text how your doing. Remember you can contact me on here, through your classroom teacher, Class Dojo, or my email gruczl@dearbornschools.org. Would love to hear from you:)
This week I have listed three fun science activities you can do with your siblings or other family members in your house.
Enjoy and remember to have fun while learning!!!!
Activity #1
Science Experiment ā Here is a link to a science experiment āpop bottle scienceā that a member of our district enrichment team posted on YouTube if you want to try this at home. Let me know how it turns out! Write a couple sentences about what happened and or how you would change or improve the experiment.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ox1uzpKMV4
Activity #2
Animal Tracks Challenge Part 1: What animal do you think made these tracks?
View 1
View 2
CHALLENGE Part #2: Go outside and see what kind of animal tracks you can find in your backyard.
Use the Michigan animal tracks provided to help you discover what animal tracks you may have observed.
I hope everyone is doing good. I will be posting science activities for you to do at home and have fun with weekly. If you have any questions you can reach me on my blog or email me at gruczl@dearbornschools.org.
1.Fill a tub, plastic container or even a pot with water.
2.Find objects around your house or outside (Examples: leaf, twig, rock, ball, apple, pencil, cotton ball, button, bread, paper cup, spoon, fork, napkin, small plastic container lid etcā¦)
3. Before placing objects in water, predict if the object will sink or float.
4. Place objects one by one in the tub of water and observe. Did they sink or float?
5. When finished, draw on one side of paper the objects that floated and on back of paper draw the objects that sank.
First grade and Second Grade
Aluminum Foil Boat Float Activity:
Watch sink or float video on brainpopjr. Click on link below:
Test your boat in a tub or container of water to see if it floats.Ā
Once you get the aluminum foil boat to float, see how many pennies your boat can hold before sinking. (*If you do not have pennies use any small objects such as: paper clips, toothpicks, straws, small noodles, buttons, dimes,etc.)