There are times in each of our lives that mark particularly special occasions. Today is such an occasion. Today you can say I’ve finished my elementary school phase!
Here at Oakman Elementary, you took the first of many important steps in your lives. Here you have learned skills and developed talents. Those skills and talents will be the foundation for whatever you achieve or learn in the future. You will build on them and find out many more fascinating things about you and life surrounding you. The skills you have mastered here will last you for the rest of your lives.
Today is a special day for you and for your family. Today you have every reason to be proud of all the skills you have mastered because with them you will be able to succeed in doing even more. I don’t know what the future holds for you! Yet I have no doubt that each and every one of you has the potential to do something special with your lives. You see, each one of you is already a very special and unique person! While you have been here, you have learned not just math, science and the other subjects; you have begun to learn and to take part in the society around you. You have learned many varied skills, from sports through to singing. Here you began to be the wonderful creative beings that you will one day fulfil! You have begun to form opinions and learned how to behave towards each other. You have formed friendships that, hopefully, will continue for the rest of your lives.
Oakman Lions, You have been excellent students and we are sorry to see you leave. Yet we know that it is in the nature of things for you to grow up and to move on. We hope that you will remember your years here fondly and that you remember your teachers equally fondly.
Today, I give you the same blessing as Christopher Columbus was undoubtedly given many years ago when he set sail to discover a new world. May your seas be calm seas, may the wind that fills your sails be a following wind and may God bless each one of you on your voyage through life.
Best Regards,
Mr. Abu-Rus
5th Grade Promotion Video