NWEA Testing tomorrow

Please make sure your child checks their email or messages in Schoology to see if they will be testing tomorrow. MiStar isn’t working, so I couldn’t send emails to parents.

Remember to email me if you have any questions or concerns. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.


Good morning.

I’m currently having technical difficulties with Schoology. Please be patient, you may call the Help Desk at 827-3003 and then wait for me to get us a Zoom link which I will send to you in an email.

Thank you for being patient during this difficult time.


Hello Everyone, 

Sorry for all the technical difficulties, but thank you for being patient. For the rest of Math time practice your math multiplication facts.

11:45 is your lunch time.

12:25 you should log into Zoom. If there are any more difficulties, I will send a mass email.

1:00 Vocal Music- Check Mrs. Faryniarz blog or post. 

1:55 I will try to zoom with a few of you- check email. The rest of you please check your email for independant work. 

Thank you!!