Oakman’s Got Talent!

Please click the picture below to visit our Oakman Talent Show on Flipgrid. It may prompt you to log in with your Google email. Join Code: 509cf26f

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Live Music Lessons – Hybrid

Our hybrid schedule for K-2 will start next week, the week of March 1 (grades 3-5 will start the week of March 8). Please check with your classroom teacher to learn if you are in Group A or Group B and to see your special area class schedule. Please see a copy of the schedule for all classes below.

Faryniarz Hybrid Schedule

Students should attend live Zoom music lessons twice a week. This will be in place of completing recorded lessons and assignments on Schoology. Please see the Zoom link and passcode below.

Oakman Music Room Zoom

Long Music Room Zoom

VLP Music Room Zoom

Passcode: music

If you have trouble getting into the meeting, please see the video below.

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Oakman Holiday Sing-a-Long

I will be hosting a Zoom Holiday Sing-a-Long on Thursday and Friday this week.  Please see information below:

Thursday 2-2:30

Grades K, 2 and 4

Link: https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/87373552939?pwd=RmdtWGpsU0s3bG1FWmtyYzhDeG41dz09

Passcode: music

Friday 2-2:30 

Grades Y5s, 1, 3 and 5

Link: https://dearbornschools-org.zoom.us/j/85781893701?pwd=VnpzSmhjSlUvanNVUWlRelQvSUh2dz09

Passcode: music

Can’t wait to see everyone!

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Live Music Lessons – Please check schedule below

Hello musicians! Please see below your schedule for completing the music assignments on Schoology as well as your live music lesson schedule.

My assignments are open all week but it’s best if you use the time from 1-1:50 on your music day to complete the assignments. There will be 2 short assignments every week to complete. If you need help, make sure to come to your live music lesson or email me, farynie@dearbornschools.org.

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MONDAY 1-1:50

K –Bartolomei (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:25 -1:40)

K – Newsted (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00 -1:15)

5th – Mosed (Live Lesson for both 4th and 5th on Zoom 2:25-2:40)

5th – Habhab (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:00-2:15)

TUESDAY 1-1:50

1st – Ceiko (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00-1:15)

3rd – Earle (Live Lesson for 2nd and 3rd is on Fridays)

3rd – Hespen (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:25-1:40)


3rd – Chesney (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00-1:15)

1st – Wolski (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:30-1:45)

4th – Elward (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:00-2:15)

4th – Logel (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:25-2:40)

4th – Mosed (Live Lesson for 4th and 5th is on Mondays)


Y5s – Mehrohf (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00-1:15)

K – Fowler (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:25-1:40)

K – Rawson (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:00-2:15)

FRIDAY 1-1:50

1st – Hoffman (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00-1:15)

1st – Younce (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:25-1:40)

2nd – Earle (Live Lesson for both 2nd and 3rd on Zoom 2:00-2:15)

2nd – Kdouh (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:25-2:40)

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Help with Schoology – the Music Course

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! Below are some videos to help with the Music Course on Schoology. I’m hoping these will help those of you who I have not heard from yet this quarter. Please feel free to reach out to me at farynie@dearbornschools.org if you have questions or concerns.

How to Find a Missing Assignment

How to Record Along with the Music

How to Find Music in Your Courses

All students have a live music lesson in the afternoon on their Music day. Please see earlier post on what day and time to attend. I will also post the link, the passcode and the time in the Updates on the Schoology Music Course.

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Music Course in Schoology

Oakman Elementary School    

All Subjects are Important- جميع الفصول الدراسية مهمة

Physical Education التربية البدنية Music الموسيقىArt Education التربية الفنيةMedia Center المكتبة المدرسيةScience Enrichment العلوم 

Dear Oakman Families,

The 2020 school year has definitely been different.  We are so proud of all the students and families for adapting to this new way of going to school. Thank you for all your support and patience; especially since all your teachers are learning how to do this with you!

Now that the second quarter has begun we expect students to do our assignments. Each day there is a designated time from 1:00-1:50 to complete assignments in gym, art, music, media, and enrichment.  Please go to our courses, or look in the upcoming area for our work. If your child does little or no work this quarter, they will receive a 4 in our classes.  We hope everyone does our work, so they get a 1 or 2!  If you have any questions please reach out to us!

We are looking forward to a fabulous second quarter!


Mr. AbuRus, Principal-

Mr. Lesniak- PE, Mrs. Faryniarz- Music , Mrs. Torres and Ms. Styczynski- Art , Mrs. Grucz- Science Enrichment, and Mrs. Hansen- Media Center 

الأهالي الأعزاء،

كان العام الدراسي 2020 مختلفاً بالتأكيد.  نحن فخورون جداً بجميع الطلاب والأسر للتكيف مع هذه الطريقة الجديدة في الذهاب إلى المدرسة. شكرا لكم على كل ما تبذلونه من دعم وصبر؛ خاصة وأن جميع الطاقم التعليمي يمارسون كيفية القيام بذلك معكم

والآن بعد أن بدأ الربع الثاني نتوقع من الطلاب القيام بمهامنا. كل يوم هناك وقت مخصص من 1:00-1:50 لإكمال المهام في مادة التربية البدنية والفن والموسيقى والإعلام والإثراء.  يرجى الذهاب الى دوراتنا ( سكولوجي)، أو البحث في المنطقة المخصصة لعملنا. في حال عدم قيام  طفلك بأي عمل على أي حال من هذا الربع، سوف يحصل على 4 في صفوفنا.  نأمل أن يقوم الجميع بعملنا، حتى يحصلوا على 1 أو 2!  إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة يرجى الاتصال بنا

نحن نتطلع إلى ربع ثاني رائع

مع جزيل الشكر و الامتنان

السيد أبوالروس، المدير-

السيدة هانسن مدرسة وسائل الاعلام 

السيدة جروز مدرسة علوم الاثراء 

السيدة فارينارز مدرسة الموسيقى

السيدة ستازينسكي والسدة توريس مدرستا الفن

السيد لزنياك مدرس التربية البدنية 

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Oakman Music Club

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Oakman Music Club is open to ALL 3rd-5th grade students at Oakman Elementary School. Below are the directions to join our group on Schoology. We will be holding our meetings on Thursdays 4-4:30 on Zoom.

If you’d like to join Music Club, please see how to do so in the video clip below.  Access code is: PQZM-TVSG-7P55J

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Music PTC

Below are the instructions for signing up for Music PTC. This is OPTIONAL. Please only sign up if you have questions or concerns about your child’s music education. It is important to follow the directions (please include your child’s first and last name AND their classroom teacher).

Dear Parents,

You may sign up for a 10 minute Conference time with Mrs. Faryniarz (music teacher at Oakman, Long and VLP).

  1. Click this link: SignUp with Mrs. Faryniarz (Music) 
  2. Access Code: music
  3. Click on date and time slot you would like to reserve
  4. Scroll down and click on Submit and Sign Up
  5. Type in name of child and classroom teacher
  6. Type in your First Name,Last Name and email address
  7. Scroll down and click on “Sign Up Now”
  8. Confirmation email will be sent to you.  Email will contain your ZOOM link for our conference appointment.
  9. Please be on time but not early.
  10. You will be admitted into the ZOOM at your scheduled time.
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Music Schedule for Schoology

Hello musicians! Please see below your schedule for completing the music assignments on Schoology as well as your live music lesson schedule.

My assignments are open all week but it’s best if you use the time from 1-1:50 on your music day to complete the assignments. There will be 2 short assignments every week to complete. If you need help, make sure to come to your live music lesson or email me, farynie@dearbornschools.org.

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MONDAY 1-1:50

K –Bartolomei (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:25 -1:40)

K – Newsted (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00 -1:15)

5th – Mosed (Live Lesson for both 4th and 5th on Zoom 2:25-2:40)

5th – Habhab (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:00-2:15)

TUESDAY 1-1:50

1st – Ceiko (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00-1:15)

3rd – Earle

3rd – Hespen (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:25-1:40)


1st – Talluto (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00-1:15)

1st – Wolski (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:30-1:45)

4th – Elward (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:00-2:15)

4th – Logel (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:25-2:40)


Y5s – Mehrohf (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00-1:15)

K – Fowler (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:25-1:40)

K – Rawson (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:00-2:15)

FRIDAY 1-1:50

1st – Hoffman (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:00-1:15)

1st – Younce (Live Lesson on Zoom 1:25-1:40)

2nd – Earle (Live Lesson for both 2nd and 3rd on Zoom 2:00-2:15)

2nd – Kdouh (Live Lesson on Zoom 2:25-2:40)

If you do not know how to access the Music Course on Schoology, please see the video below.

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2020-21 School Year

Welcome back everyone! Even though the start of the new school year will be different, I am excited to see all of you (virtually) and continue to grow as musicians! If you click on the link below, you can find out a few facts about me. Make sure to subscribe to my blog by entering you email on the right hand side. More information to follow in the next few weeks.

Happy New School Year! – Mrs. F.

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