

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Take advantage of our first SNOW DAY to catch up on school work and practice your Math skills on IXL or Khan Academy and complete your Ten Marks assignments! Also, your test has been postponed until next Tuesday. You will be reviewing tomorrow in class AND we will go over solutions Monday!

All classes will have a test on Tuesday, so use this time to review and practice!

Stay warm everyone and I’ll see you all Monday!


Holiday Toy Drive

Our first hour classes have started to collect new toys to be donated to the Salvation Army to distribute to children in need during the Holidays. Please send in new toys with your child to be placed in collection box in his/her first hour class. The class with the most toys collected will receive a “special treat” from Student Council.

Let’s all do our part in making children SMILE this Holiday season!


No School Tomorrow – Tuesday, November 7th

No need for an alarm clock (or should I say, “no need for your cell phone alarms to be set!”) tomorrow, as there is no school for students. School will be back in session Wednesday, so be sure to complete your HW assignments! We’ll see you back bright and early Wednesday! Stay warm….stay safe!


How Big is a Million?

The Million Penny Tower …
Students have been working in teams and looking for multiple ways to solve a challenging problem involving a proportional relationship.


Introducing the CPM Math Curriculum

All math classes at Stout have adopted a new math curriculum called CPM. “The CPM curriculum is guided by the philosophy that students need to be active participants as they develop their own mathematical understanding. The study team structure – students working in teams (or groups) creates a setting in which students are continuously in the presence of others with whom they can discuss, share ideas, and articulate their thinking.”

Expectations for study-team interactions:

1. Students are expected to share ideas and contribute to the team’s work.
2. Students are expected to ask questions.
3. Questions can move their team’s thinking forward and help others to understand ideas more clearly.
4. One person in the team should not dominate the discussion or thinking process.
5. Each team should stop regularly and verify that everyone in the team agrees with a suggestion or solution.
6. Each team member should be consulted before calling on the teacher to answer a question.


Integer Rules Foldable

Students created an Integer Rules foldable today in class to help them solve integer problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of positive and negative integers.