
5 Tips for Parents of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) during the COVID-19 Pandemic

I came across a great article that gives 5 tips to parents of student’s with ASD who are transitioning to this new normal.
The article is here:

Please reach out to me should you need any guidance, advice, or just need to talk.

Much love,



Week of March 30, 2020

Good Evening Miller Families,

I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the quality family time with loved ones. Adjusting to the Governors Stay at Home Executive Order ensures we all remain safe and do our part to decrease the spread of COVID-19. Understandably this new normal comes with increased uncertainty, please take care of yourselves and loved ones and continue following guidelines communicated by the State of Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Service . Continue speaking to and practicing recommended safety precautions to mitigate the spread of COVID – 19: social distancing, proper hygiene habits and healthy eating is a great start and will be the new normal moving forward.

Miller Staff continue using new tools and/or mastering the current technology to support on-line learning and maintain students’ academic, social and emotional growth. Thankfully Dearborn Public Schools and Miller Elementary Staff are state leaders when it comes to on-line learning and technology integration.

Miller Staff remain committed to supporting student virtual learning and continue:

1) Posting weekly academic enrichment lessons, online physical activities and special resources to assist students with instruction and enrichment activities. Please access and sign up for teacher Blog posts at:

2) 3rd Card Marking Ended Friday March 27, 20202. Grades will be available on Parent Connect by the end of the week, Friday April 3rd, 2020. Report Cards are NOT being mailed home.

3) Please forward any questions to staff or administration and we will gladly respond.

4) Gleaners Food Bank is Tuesday March 31, 2020 at 11 a.m. and will be conducted via curbside pickup. IMPORTANT – DO NOT exit your vehicle,

A. Follow the cones and pull up in the Bus Drop.

B. A Staff member will take down your information, while other staff members load your trunk. Make certain you have cleaned out your trunk prior to coming to the school.

C. Pop the trunk, additional staff member will place contents in the trunk and close the trunk.

D. If you are walking, there will be a table set up on the sidewalk, please maintain the six feet social distancing guidelines, cones will be set up six feet apart to help maintain a safe distance. One person at a time will be processed at the table, please do not approach the table until notified by a staff member to approach. Ensuring everyone’s safety is the top priority and requires we work together, if safety guidelines are not followed violators will immediately be asked to leave.

Stay, Safe, Healthy and Take care of your families. During these unprecedented times, I encourage you to do what is necessary to protect your loved ones. It is disappointing but very necessary given these times as we need to do our part to flatten the curve and support our medical service workers who are going above and beyond to help those who are sick or in need of medical assistance. We can all do our part!

What We know and don’t know: Unfortunately, this situation is very fluid and we do not have answers to all questions that may be out there. The Governor stated Friday morning she does not think that we will return to school this year. Team Miller and the Dearborn Public Schools will continue to plan for that possibility along with the possibility of returning. Regardless of the outcome I’m comforted we will continue supporting students, one another and the Miller Community during these unprecedented times. Stay SAFE STAY HOME!


Team Miller sending our LOVE and BLESSINGS!

Virtual Spirit Week info is attached:



We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!

Hi everyone,

My son recorded a video of him reading the book, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt! Many communities are putting bears in their windows for kids to find while they walk with their families. During times of stress and anxiety, research shows that being active can help our mood. Please try to find some time each day to be active and healthy (while remaining 6 feet from others – by practicing social distancing). Much love to everyone stay healthy.


Message to the Dearborn Community from The Superintendent

Here is the latest message to the Dearborn community from Dr. Maleyko.

March 20, 2020
“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore”
This famous movie quote from The Wizard of OZ is spoken by Dorothy when she realizes that she is no longer in the safety of her farm house in Kansas but rather has been chaotically thrown into the unfamiliar and somewhat bazaar land of Oz.  Sound Familiar?
Major events have been cancelled; restaurants, malls, and other businesses closed; and “Social Distancing”, and “Flattening the Curve” have become the trending phrases of the day. In just one short week our daily routines have changed and we are still getting used to a different way of life. Amongst all of this change, parents have had to add the role of teacher to their other responsibilities. I want to thank all of our parents for the support and kind words that have been shared with us during the past week. We appreciate all that parents are doing to support our new way of learning for the weeks ahead.
Of course, there wouldn’t be any on-line lessons, virtual classrooms, or remote learning if not for the incredible work of our teachers. Almost overnight they transformed our schools by creating lessons, developing plans, and moving their classrooms from the confines of four walls to the openness of the internet.  I cannot thank and compliment them enough for the outstanding work they have done to ensure our students will have meaningful learning experiences while our buildings are closed.
The learning may not look the same for each school or even each grade, but what is common is the connection these teachers are making with their students. That can be difficult to do through a computer screen, and yet our teachers are doing it.  They do it by sharing personal stories; photos and videos of their pets, children or hobbies; and by demonstrating how learning can happen anywhere at any time.  They are doing it because they are passionate about teaching and have the expertise in their field. I appreciate all of their hard work and commitment to our students.  
There are so many people to thank for all they have done this past week. Our administrators, our engineers, crisis team, union heads, custodial staff, all district staff, and of course the hard working team in our technology department. Mr. Troy Patterson and his entire team have done, and continue to do, a tremendous job of supporting the technology needs of our teachers and students. In addition, they were instrumental in distributing more than 5,000 chrome books to students this past week.
When it comes to distributing items to the students no one does it better than our Food Service department. This week  Mr. Jeff Murphy, Mr Josh Bains, and their entire team in the Food Service department were able to provide more than 35,000 meals to students in our district, 20,000 being handed out on Friday alone.  Thank you to everyone who was part of that program including the dozens of volunteers coordinated by our PTA. 
We are scheduled to return to our buildings and our classrooms on April 13th. As we have been saying all along, this situation is ever changing and we all must be patient to see if our efforts will help to slow the spread of this virus.  We must continue to follow the recommendations of our healthcare professionals. This means avoiding groups of more than 10, keeping our social distance, washing hands, covering our mouth when coughing or sneezing, and of course if we are not feeling well, please stay in your home.    
Starting Monday, March 23, the Administrative Service Center will no longer be open but, just like our schools, the work will continue.  Our staff will transition to working at home and to make sure we continue to deliver services to the public, I would like to share the following contact numbers and emails:
●     General Information-               313 827-3006
●     Social Emotional Hotline-        313 827-8500
●     Tech Support-                           313 827-8400
●     Student Services-                   313 827-3068
●     Special Education-                  313 827-7050
As we increase the number of people being tested for COVID-19 there will most likely be more reported cases.  The whole point to all of the closures and cancellations is to keep people from gathering in large groups so that we don’t spread the COVID-19 virus. It’s not to stop it, cure it, or end it…only slow it down. In a few weeks, we can evaluate the situation, consideration recommendations from the state and county, and with the information available to us make decisions about the remainder of the school year. 
It is the uncertainty that is most frustrating for most people. People like to have deadlines, goals, a beginning and an end. With the current state of affairs we don’t have that. We only have “wait and see” with no real conclusion in sight. I ask that we all try to be patient. We are going through a very different time and learning as we live through these events. A little inconvenience for the next few weeks (and longer if necessary) is worth doing in order to keep others safe and avoid more drastic measures down the road. 
Our administration has the support of our incredible Board of Education and I have witnessed first hand the awesome ability of this community to come together in the time of crisis. I know that by all of us working together, remaining calm, and being patient we will help each other through this difficult time and come out on the other side much stronger as a community, as a state, and as a nation. 

Glenn Maleyko, Ph.D.
ظم الأحداث و المناسبات العامة في المنطقة تم الغائها او تاجيلها.
في خظم الاحداث الحالية و اغلاق المدارس، ازدادت مسؤلية الابوين للقيام بدور المعلم ايضا. نشكر تعاونكم مع مساعدتنا في التغييرات التعليمية في خلال الاسابيع القادمة.
اشكر المعلمون و المعلمات فلهم الدور الاكبر في الاسهام في العملية التعليمية في هذه الظروف الصعبة فقد قاموا بوضع جهد و خطط تعليمية للتعليم عن في غضون ايام قليلة.
هناك الكثير ايضا من العاملين في المدارس في جميع المجلات و المتطوعين ممن يعملون بجد. بفضل اسهام الجميع فقد استطعنا توزيع 5000 جهاز كمبيوتر في خلال الاسبوع الماضي و ايصال الاف الوجبات غذائية لكثير من الطلاب.
من المقرر ان يعود الجميع للدراسة بتاريخ 13 ابريل. و لكن الاحداث تتغير بشكل مستمر و سوف نبقيكم على اتصال. من المهم حاليا اتباع ارشادات السلامه و الوقاية التي نتلقاها عن طريق المختصون في مجال الصحة.
بدا من تاريخ 23 مارس، سوف يغلق مبنى ادراة المنطقة التعليمية و لكن موضفينا سيوصلون عملهم كالمعتاد من مواقع بيوتهم. بامكانكم التواصل على الارقام التالية:
●        معلومات عامة-                       313 827-3006
●        الخط الساخن للمساعدة الاجتماعية-          313 827-8500
●        الدعم التقني-                                          313 827-8400
●        خدمة الطلاب و الطالبات-                      313 827-3068
●        التعليم لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة-                           313 827-7050
.ادرك تماما مدى صعوية المرحلة الحالية على الجميع و اشكر صبركم و تعاونكم خلال هذه المرحلة فنحن سنتخطى هذه المرحلة و سنصبح مجتمع اقوى.  
Or you can download it here: 


Donations for Dearborn Public Schools Press Release

Due to the situation at hand the Dearborn Public Schools Education Foundation has been asked to assist the Dearborn Public Schools. We know that our community is a great one and there are a lot of people and organizations wanting to help out the District with donations. The District has given the Foundation a list of items needed to assist our students, teachers and families while schools remain closed. 

We are asking that if you would like to donate to please coordinate with Chastity Townsend at the Dearborn Public Schools Education Foundation. Your donation/contributions are a tax write off as we are a 501 c3. The Foundation is equipped to handle the donations, to make sure that technology is setup in compliance with the Dearborn Public Schools standards and to make sure that those needing assistance will get it. 

For monetary donations you can go to click on the donate button to donate or you can mail checks to: Dearborn Education Foundation, 18700 Audette, Dearborn, MI 48124. If you would like to speak to Chastity Townsend about donating you can call 313-827-8790 or email at While she is not physically in the office she is checking her emails and voice mails remotely at this time. 

Thank you all for coming together for the best interest of our district. We truly appreciate everyone’s patience and assistance. Please visit our website for more information about the Foundation