
Children’s Social Story for Mask Wearing

I am uncertain what school will look like when we return in the future. Researchers and doctors recommend wearing masks in public to protect yourself, your loved ones, and others in the community. Wearing a mask can be a new experience for kids. They will likely have a lot of questions. Here is a simple social story that you may share with your kids about why we wear masks. I hope it is helpful. Stay safe and healthy.



Free Telehealth Service for Children and Teens

The coronavirus pandemic presents daily challenges to the mental health and well-being of families and children. In response, the Child Mind Institute has become a truly borderless resource for not only children’s mental health and learning disorders but also for the social and emotional support of parents. *I can not attest as to the care you will receive. Using these services is at your own risk* For more information, please click the link below:




Gleaners food pantry: Tuesday, April 28 from 9am to 12 pm

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 from 9am to 12 pm

Mobile Pantry

الغذاء المحمول

يوفر برنامج مخزن الغذاء المحمول غذاء صحي ل 033 من كبار السن
يضم مخزن الغذاء المحمول حولي 03 رطل. من الفواكه والخضروات الطازجة

يتلقى كل كبار السن أيضا وصفات صحية وتعليم غذائي اا. والحبوب الكاملة و البروتينات


82 أبريل الثالثاء من الساعة 0033 -08033 صباح ا

The Food Mobile Program provides nutritious, healthy food for 300 families.

The mobile pantry includes 30 lbs. of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.

Each family also receives healthy recipes and nutrition education.

Ford Community & Performing Arts Center
15801 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126


Final Chromebook Distribution @ Miller Today!

Important Announcements for the week of April 27, 2020:

FINAL Chromebook distribution scheduled for Monday April 27, 2020 according to the following schedule, be certain to respect the established schedule and distancing protocols. This will be the final day student Chromebooks will be distributed, no exceptions.

Kindergarten – 1st Grades: 12 – 1 P.M.

2nd – 3rd Grades: 1 – 2 P.M.

4th – 5th Grades: 2 – 3 P.M.

Keep self and others SAFE by respecting the following guidelines during pickup:

1) NO STUDENTS, Parents Only

2) Parents will be admitted one person at a time to the front lobby and required to wear a mask or face covering.

3) Follow proper distancing protocol, cones will be set up outside, keep a minimum of 6 feet apart and avoid congregating.


Ramadan Mubarak

For those who observe the month of Ramadan I wish you and your families peace and happiness now and in the future. Have a safe Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak


Student meal distribution times to change at four sites during Ramadan

Ramadan starts this week and Dearborn Public Schools is adjusting the student meal distribution times at four sites to better accommodate our families who are observing that tradition.

Free student food distribution will continue at all seven schools on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

However, starting Friday, April 24 the pickup time will shift later to noon to 2 p.m. at Fordson High School, Woodworth Middle School, Salina Intermediate and McCollough Elementary. The later schedule will continue through Memorial Day weekend, when Ramadan ends this year.

Food distribution will stay at 10 a.m. to noon at the three other locations- Dearborn High School, Edsel Ford High School and Smith Middle School.

Families should also note that the distribution schedule will change the weeks around Memorial Day weekend.  The week before Memorial Day, the District will distribute food on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday – May 18, 20 and 21.  Friday May 22 is scheduled to be a day off for staff and students.  The week of Memorial Day, food distribution will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday – May 26, 27, and 29 and move back to 10 a.m. to noon at all seven schools.

Dearborn Schools families can pick up meals at any location.  Their child does not need to attend that school.  The meals are for any child under 18 living in the home. Each bag contains breakfast and lunch for a student for the days until the next pickup.  Monday and Wednesday bags each have two days of food, and Friday has three days worth.

The grab-and-go meals are provided free to families through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s School Lunch Program. Through the program, Dearborn Public Schools offered free lunch and breakfast to all kindergarten to 12th grade students before schools were closed to slow the spread of novel coronavirus.  Last week, the District distributed 65,000 meals through the program.

The grab-and-go meals will continue at least through June 10, which was scheduled to be the last full day of school for the year.


Child-Friendly TV programming (TVO Kids)

Looking for Child-Friendly TV programming? Look no further. I must admit, I get frustrated when my kids want to watch those TV shows with slap-stick humor and no words. Kids need to hear language to build their vocabulary. So, during this time, when TV watching has definitely increased, I am trying to have them watch more educational shows. Here is a great place to do just that:


It has TV, Games, and Apps for all ages. Please take a look.


From Dr. Maleyko: Dearborn Public Schools releases learning for rest of year

#Students1stDbnSchs-Dearborn Public Schools releases learning for rest of year

Press Release #47/2019-20
Contact: David Mustonen, Communications Director
(313) 827-3006 mustond@dearbornschools.org

Dearborn Schools’ continued learning plan is approved, released to the public

On Thursday evening Dearborn Public Schools received approval from Wayne County RESA to implement its Continuity of Learning Plan.  The plan spells out how the District will continue to educate students during the state-ordered closure of school buildings to slow the spread of COVID-19. 

Dearborn Schools will continue to educate students using a variety of tools, mostly online.  The District will again distribute Chromebooks to families who need a computer to access the work, and the Dearborn Education Foundation has been helping families who need assistance to sign up for Internet service.  If families truly cannot connect online, then the District will go so far as to print and mail or deliver paper assignments for students.

“I have witnessed outstanding examples of distance learning and teacher to student interactions over the past month as we work through this unprecedented crisis,” commented Superintendent Glenn Maleyko. 

Under the new plan, the District will provide enhanced learning opportunities to students at all grade levels.  The work assigned by teachers will be factored into a final grade or credit for students. However, individual family situations will also be considered in any decisions on grading, especially for students facing adversity as a result of COVID-19.

“Parents need to know that we will continue to support their children and their education for the remainder of the school year,” Dr. Maleyko added.  

Students who truly cannot do the work will not be penalized.  This would apply, for example, if the child or a parent is seriously ill. The District plans to hold its traditional summer school classes for struggling students if the stay-at-home order is lifted in time.

Going forward, teachers will check in with students at least twice a week, via tools such as Google Classrooms, email or phone calls.  If a teacher cannot reach a student, then school staff may try to contact the family to stress the importance of completing online work and to help resolve any obstacles that might be keeping the child from participating. Dearborn families who need to borrow a Chromebook are advised to email their principal to set up a time to get a device later in April.

Education for special education students will continue to be individualized as much as possible.

All public schools across the state were required to submit Continuity of Learning Plans to show how they would continue to educate their students during the school closure.  Schools that do not do so will lose part of their state funding for the year.

Dearborn’s plan was reviewed and approved by Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency.

“This is one of the most comprehensive and thorough plans I have read.  It was well laid out and easy to follow,” wrote Wayne RESA Superintendent Dr. Randy Liepa. 

Dr. Maleyko said, “I want to thank Dr. Liepa, the staff at Wayne County RESA along with our outstanding team in Dearborn for their support and leadership as we developed the Continuity of Learning Plan.”

Late on March 12, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer ordered all school buildings to temporarily close starting the following Monday, March 16.  Dearborn Schools opted to close all buildings immediately.  The governor later extended the school closure to last the rest of this school year. 

“Dearborn Public Schools remains committed to keeping our students at the center of all that we do.  The public health crisis has only strengthened our mission,” the District wrote in its plan.  

In its Continuity of Learning Plan, Dearborn Schools noted that unlike many districts, remote learning for all of its students started the week of March 16, the first week of the school closure.  Principals, teachers, staff and parent representatives all had a chance to comment on the continuity plan before it was submitted on Wednesday evening. The full plan and other related documents are available through the District website at https://dearbornschools.org/services/dearborn-public-schools-continuity-of-learning-plan/

The plan also covers other elements required in the state closure order, such as assuring that all District staff will continue to be paid during the closure.  Some staff could be assigned to different areas as needed.

Not included in the actual plan is a new grading system that will be used to evaluate student work since the school closure.  The District has established grading criteria for each level that holds students accountable for their work while following the “do no harm” provision of the Governor’s order.  Students performing at the lowest level in each category may be required to attend summer school or be prevented from continuing to the next level in the fall, if they do not have a compelling reason why they could not participate.

Parents and students will be able to check their grades through Parent Connect and Student Connect accounts. Teachers will update grades at least weekly, according to the approved plan.

The District still plans to end the school year on June 11.

“Per the governor’s order, we will not penalize students who truly cannot participate in the work,” said Superintendent Maleyko. “However, we are going to great lengths to remove every roadblock we can that would keep students from participating.  Teachers will differentiate instruction to help meet students’ needs both academically and with technology.  Now we need our parents and students to understand the importance of this continued learning and to do their part to help every child succeed.”


Gleaners Food Distrubution – MONDAY APRIL 20th

April 20 – Free Food Distribution for Households with Children

April 20, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Dearborn’s Ford Community & Performing Arts Center

[South parking lot]

Households with children who are in need of food are encouraged to attend our upcoming drive-thru food distribution sponsored by Gleaners Community Food Bank.

Please stay in your vehicle to limit exposure. Please arrive with an empty trunk. Groceries will be placed into your trunk.

Guests without vehicles are welcome to walk up, while maintaining six feet of social distancing, and should be prepared to carry 20-30 pounds or have a cart.


17 YouTube Kids’ Channels to Build Literacy Skills

As a working parent during this pandemic, sometimes you need the support of screens to get through the day 😉

Although screen time should be limited, and nothing can replace reading with your child, I found this post which includes 17 youtube kids’ channels to build literacy skills!

If your kids are on YouTube PLEASE use YOUTUBE KIDS. It helps filter out all the stuff your kids shouldn’t see https://youtube.com/kids/?gclid=CjwKCAjwp-X0BRAFEiwAheRuizDEHaPekPDNmRigft3Wr_BGMZ3bK4ATVjXPRzVMYfMZ34TPmi9SXhoCfJUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds