

Board games are awesome tools for critical thinking skills and turn taking. They are also great for teaching your child good sportsmanship and it can increase language skills. Here is a link to over 200 table top games.


Superintendent Update and News

Superintendent Updates and News. May 18, 2020 #Students1stDbnSchs

One Minute Message Update:  These are designed for quick updates with students and families in mind.   Here are some of the most recent messages from the past week. 

  1. Virtual Meetings and the Open meetings Act Click Here. 
  2. A Language Translation Hotline. Click Here. 
  3. Do Your Part: Social Distancing and Wearing a Mask. Click Here. 
  4. The Importance of Exercise for the body and Mind. Click Here. 

Feel free to follow me on Instagram or other forms of social media.  

Click Here to view all of my social media outlets that you can follow.  

Click Here to view District official social media and communication channels. 

Dearborn Youtube Channel Feel free to follow the Dearborn Schools Youtube Channel. Click Here. 

Feel free to follow my youtube channel. Click Here.

Chatting with the Superintendent For Parents and Community Members.  This process started over 4 years ago. I am planning to initiate a virtual Chatting with the Superintendent Model. We will use Google Hangouts but will require interaction with parents via facebook. We will broadcast this live on youtube and Facebook.  The first event will be on Wednesday, May 27th – 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm. We will likely schedule one in June and try for twice per month. 

Superintendent Honors Night. 

As we continue to adjust, adapt, and remain flexible during these very fluid times it is important to also continue to celebrate the success of our students. Starting 35 years ago, the Superintendent’s Honors Night is now a tradition in our district.  This year’s Honors night celebration was done virtually through a series of videos submitted by students.

Click here to view the video. 

Continuity of Learning Plan. As we move into the Memorial Day holiday week, I am very appreciative of the hard work and dedication that our students, parents and faculty have provided over the past two months.

Governor’s Press Conference on May 15 and the Dearborn Public Schools Restart Committee.  The Governor has appointed a Task Force on the potential restart of schools in the Fall. She also has an Advisory Committee with educational experts and scientists who will serve. This will be important work along with the work by our own Restart Committee that I appointed in Dearborn. We have not started to meet yet as we are still acquiring the support of committee members. This committee will be chaired by Jane Mazza, David Higgins and Maysam Alie-Bazzi. 

High School Graduation Ceremonies. We are getting closer to a decision and we had a good discussion at the May 11 board meeting. In addition, we plan to send out a google survey to students and parents. I have been meeting with my student Advisory Council, Board members, Cabinet Members, Student Council Members from the high schools, and High School Principals. 

Thoughts and Prayers: I am very sorry for the Loss of Senator Morris Hood. He served our district very well and my thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family. I am sorry for anyone who has suffered a loss due to the current COVID 19 Crisis. I wish you and your families all the best as we go into the Memorial Day holiday weekend. Please enjoy the four days over the weekend when the district will be closed.


Gleaners – Food Distribution at Miller

Miller Elementary Gleaners Schedule 2020 

Food distribution starts at 11 A.M.. All food will be placed directly into your trunk, as you drive up to the front of the school. Please come alone if you can and practice social distancing. Schedule is as follows:

Tuesday – June 2, 2020

Tuesday – June 30, 2020

Tuesday – July 28, 2020

Tuesday – August 25, 2020

Tuesday – September 22, 2020


Youtube COVID19 video for kids

This children’s guide to COVID-19, written and illustrated by Kristen Meehan, a NYC public school teacher helps to answer some of the big questions our little ones are asking.

Meal Distribution Update

Dearborn Public Schools families are reminded that the meal distribution schedule will have a few changes starting the week of May 18 – the week before Memorial Day.

Because schools were scheduled to be closed on Friday and Monday for Memorial Day weekend, there will be no food distribution on May 22 and 25.

Meal distributions will still occur on Monday May 18 and on Wednesday May 20.  The May 20 distribution will include breakfasts and lunches for a full week, so families should be prepared to carry the larger quantity, including a half gallon of milk per student.

Through May 20 pickup times will continue to be later at four locations. Fordson High School, Woodworth Middle School, Salina Intermediate and McCollough Elementary will distribute meals from noon to 2 p.m.

Dearborn High School, Edsel Ford High School and Smith Middle School will hand out meals from 10 a.m. to noon.

The week after Memorial Day, meal distribution will go back to 10 a.m. to noon at all seven locations. Meals that week will be distributed on Wednesday, May 27 and Friday, May 29.

Dearborn Public Schools has been providing 65,000 grab-and-go meals a week for our students.

One person can pick up food for any student living in the home.  The child does not need to attend that school.  Each bag contains breakfast and lunch for the days until the next pickup.

The grab-and-go meals are provided free to families through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s School Lunch Program. Through the program, Dearborn Public Schools offered free lunch and breakfast to all kindergarten to 12th grade students before schools were closed to slow the spread of novel coronavirus.

Meal distribution schedule:

May 11, 13, 15, 18 and 20

Meals distributed from 10 a.m. to noon at Dearborn High School, Edsel Ford High School and Smith Middle School and from noon to 2 p.m. at Fordson High School, Woodworth Middle School, Salina Intermediate and McCollough Elementary.


May 27 and 29 and June 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10

Meals distributed from 10 a.m. to noon at all seven locations.


Thank the Frontline Workers

Teaching children to be thankful is a skill we should always be trying to instill in our child(ren). Here is a printable coloring page that thanks our frontline workers. It can be printed, colored, and displayed in your window.

Happy Friday!

This will be a quick post with no resources shared. I just want to take the opportunity to thank the teachers out there for all they do. This pandemic has made everyone realize what an important job teachers have. They are shaping minds, providing comfort, playing nurse, and making connections. The world needs our teachers now more than ever. I hope when this all of this is over that this realization doesn’t fade.

Finally, I want to thank our “new” teachers. The parents. As a mother of two, the challenges of this pandemic can be overwhelming at times. Thanks to all of the parents who are doing what it takes to provide structure and normalcy during this time. It’s what our kids need right now.

I can only hope that this crisis makes the world a better place.


Mother’s Day Craft

I am a sucker for Mother’s Day poems. Truth be told, I prefer a homemade gift as opposed to something purchased. Here is a great Mother’s Day activity for you and your kids. You can either print it off, or if you don’t have a printer, an adult can easily draw the flower pot and verse and the kids can add the petals.

Give your Mom an extra hug this Mother’s Day.


Sesame Street COVID19 resources

I LOVE Sesame Street. Little kids love Sesame Street. That’s why I’m so excited to share these resources from Sesame Street! Elmo and his friends are here to help explain topics related to COVID19 with your children! There are videos on washing your hands, virtual play dates with friends, practicing social distancing, and a Q and A about COVID19 (to name a few).