Week of 9-23-19
Dear Families,
I hope you had a great weekend. We had another wonderful and successful week in kindergarten and we accomplished SO much. We spent the week working hard on our theme of friendship and worked with some very good trade books in language arts, writing and social studies. Here is a list of books we used just in case you’d like to read these at home with your child: Huggapotamus (Steve Metzger), Why Should I Share? (Claire Llewellyn), When Sophie Gets Angry Very Very Angry (Molly Bang), The Crayon Box That Talked (Shane Derolf).
Important Dates/Reminders:
Wednesday: Late Start (School starts at 9:35am. I will meet you outside on the yellow line!)
Friday, September 27th: KDG STUDENTS ONLY have no school today while teachers have professional development meetings all day.
Popcorn: No school for KDG however if your child has an older sibling at DuVall feel free to send in those quarters with them!
Library check out: tomorrow will be our first visit to the media center to check out books! Your child is allowed to check out and take home ONE book per week in kindergarten. Please help your child to become responsible by keeping the book in one spot at home and away from little siblings, food and water. Our check out day will always be Tuesdays (unless there is a holiday, snow day, or another reason indicated on the blog) so please make sure the books are in their backpacks every Monday evening. Thank you in advance for your help!
Language Arts: Apples for Everyone (Jill Esbaum) and Ten Red Apples (Pat Hutchins). This week we will compare the difference between narrative and informational books as we read about apples. We are so excited to visit the apple orchard in October.
Spelling: Words of the week: at, look Letters of the week: Aa,Dd
Math: This week we will continue working in Unit 1 Numbers to 5. This week I will collect the homework packet on Monday and replace it with the next packet lessons 6-10. In addition, your child will receive another math game to place in a sheet protector and collect in their math binder. Your child may keep this game and play various skills all year long. No need to return the games.
Social Studies: Unit 1 “Getting Along with Others”. We will continue reading, discussing, sorting “green choices” (things we should keep doing) and “red choices” (things we should stop/not do in school). In addition, we will discuss how to “cool down” when upset or angry. This week we will read a great book called “The Juice Box Bully” by Bob Sornson.
Science: Begin Unit 1 Mystery Science “Force Olympics.” This unit helps students develop their first concept of “force,” and the idea that by playing with forces and thinking about them, we can accomplish surprisingly big things. This week we will begin mystery 3! We have been learning about force and work words such as: push, pull, lift, dump, turn, spin, tilt. We also discussed why workers use big machines to build things such as houses, buildings and roads.
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