Week of 9-16-19
Dear Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying this beautiful weekend! It was so nice to see you all at open house on Thursday and continue to meet more of your family members. We enjoyed a FULL week together last week. I am SO very proud of how hard your children are working to learn our classroom expectations, procedures, PBIS “green behaviors” and how to make friends and get along with others. Here is what you need to know for this week. If there are any additions or changes I’ll be sure to be in touch. Have a wonderful week!
November Conferences: If you didn’t get a chance to sign up for conferences please feel free to send me an email, note or see me after school. I look forward to meeting with you in November
Popcorn: This week there will be popcorn sales on Friday morning at 8:45am. Students may buy as many popcorn bags as they wish!
Gym: Mr. Tapp is collecting pictures of students participating in athletic activities. If your child would like to be featured on his bulletin board feel free to send in a picture of them in the blue homework folder
Spelling: sight words: like, to, Tt, Nn (students are NOT tested on sight words at this time.)
previous sight words: the, I, can, see
previous letters: Ss, Mm, Rr, Bb
LA Book: Huggapotamus by Steve Metzger The theme this week is: Friendship. Students will be identifying “characters” in the story and the “problem.” We will also be working on asking and answering questions as they pertain to the story and rhyming all week when it occurs. Our poem this week is “The Wheels on the Bus.”
Writing: Continue building components and stamina of Writer’s Workshop. Students will continue learning to express their stories through illustrations. We will be drawing characters from Huggapotamus, making connections about friends and how we are alike but different!
Math: This week we will continue working in Unit 1 Numbers to 5. This is our first week sending home homework! The homework is stapled in a pack of 5 lessons and is good for a week from the day I send it home. I typically send them home on Mondays. However, if we have a snow day or another reason for the delay the packet will be due one week from the day I put it in the blue folders. In addition, your child will receive one math game almost every week to play at home! This is the game that can be placed in a sheet protector and collected in a binder. Your child may keep this game and play various skills all year long. No need to return the games.
Social Studies: We will continue learning about our first unit in Social Studies! Our first unit is called “Getting Along with Others”. This week we will continue reading, discussing, sorting “green choices (things we should keep doing) and “red choices” (things we should stop/not do in school).
Science: Begin Unit 1 Mystery Science “Force Olympics.” This unit helps students develop their first concept of “force,” and the idea that by playing with forces and thinking about them, we can accomplish surprisingly big things. This week we will begin mystery 2! We are having fun learning and acting out work words and pretending we are big machines!
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