Miss. Shapas's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

May 31st Ice Cream Social KDG Raffle Basket

Dear Families,Image result for ice cream social clip art

Friday the 31st is our annual Ice Cream Social and we can’t wait. Each year the kdg donates a raffle basket for the DuVall community to bid on. This year, our basket will be a soccer themed sport basket! Mrs. Ross and I will be purchasing the items in the basket this week to make it easier and we are pumped! If your child/family would like to help us purchase basket items, no pressure, but donations of $1-5 are welcomed. Just be careful to put your monetary donation in an envelope marked KDG raffle basket donation so that we do not confuse it with the end of the year field trip to the park and pool! Don’t forget to come on Friday and bid on our basket. It’s going to be amazing 🙂

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