Week of 3-25-19
Dear Families,
Happy Spring! I hope this message finds you all well and enjoying this beautiful day. I can not believe that March is already coming to a close. This year has just flown by! Here is what you need to know at the end of this month and important dates to remember as we begin our spirit week. Have a wonderful week!
Ms Shapas 🙂
March is Reading Month:
Spirit Week Dress up Schedule: students will follow the March Activities calendar to dress up in theme each day this week if they choose! Here is the schedule one more time:
Thursday: Hat Day!
Friday Pajama Day: Wear school and weather appropriate pjs to school!
Reading Logs: Due to Ms Shapas on Friday Morning! If they complete the whole thing and have it signed by a parent they will earn the reward movie on Friday!
Mystery Readers: THANK YOU so much to all the guest readers we have had come in to read this month. The students and I have greatly enjoyed your visits. If you have not had a chance to come yet and would like to visit this week, we still have open time slots!
Homework: This week your child will receive two math games and a new math packet that might be larger for the break.
Popcorn: Popcorn Friday is on this week so bring those quarters!
Library check out: This week we had check out so make sure books are back in the bags Monday night and ready to go Tuesday morning first thing!
Reading Packs: Make sure your child is spending about 10-15 minutes reading at night on the books, letters/words you find in the reading packs. This will help your child SO much reviewing their personal bags each night! All bags have been switched so make sure you child is practicing books they receive this week. All reading packs, and personal books at home count toward March Reading Logs!
Sign up for a Dearborn Public Library card: The Dearborn Library has a lot of free online books, apps, and activities. I strongly recommend to sign up! It is free to sign up as well! All you have to do is visit the library and fill out a form for your child.
Spelling: -it word family: *kit, *sit, *pit, bit, hit, *fit, lit …..sight words: two, play
-words with a * are definitely on the test, I will add two cold words to make a total of 6 words on the spelling test on Fridays. In addition there will be the two bonus “sight words of the week” to make sure we keep learning the sight words on the Dolch List!
LA Book: Tops and Bottoms, review syllables, blends tr, br, gr, wr and informational books
Writing: Opinion Writing linked to book of the week (about what veggies we prefer “Tops or Bottoms”)
Science: Continue what do plants and animals need
Social Studies: Where Am I? Continue
Important information:
Next week 4/1/19-4/5/19 Spring break! See you all on 4/8/19!
Tuesday 4/9/19- Field trip to hands on museum! Parent chaperones are Ms Beydoun, Mr Sivako, and Ms Dunn. If you are available to chaperone, please let me know! I would like to have 3 more.
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