This week 5-14-18
Hello parents of room 107!
Thank you for showing me all the love and appreciation gifts last week! I appreciate all the gifts! I have the best kids a teacher could ask for!
So you might have noticed that no Monday home connection word family sheet came home. The word family for this week is -am words. So Jam, Ram, Ham, Yam, Clam, Cram, Pam, Sam, Bam. I believe this may be the last week for spelling.
Math: We’re continuing the time unit. This is not just telling time, but knowing the days of the week, what is yesterday, today and tomorrow? (we do this every day during morning circle time).
Science: Plants and animals. What they need to survive? and parts of a plant and the function.
Social Studies: where in the world? where we live-country, state, city, and street.
Today we will start taking the NWEA math in the afternoon. Next week we will do the NWEA reading. Please have a conversation about doing the best he/she can and taking time during the test. I did before the start previous NWEA. Also, please make sure your child is getting a good night rest and breakfast before the test.
Important information:
Send in permission slip for the end of the year park and pool.
May 25 and 28: no school.
June 1st: Ice cream social
‹ Parent Worksheet Week of 5-21-18 ›