Miss. Shapas's Blog

Dearborn Public Schools

week of 9-25-2017

Dear Families,

I hope this post finds you well and enjoying a much deserved rest! We’re almost out of the hot weather thank goodness 🙂 We have been working so hard despite the heat and I am SO proud of our class!

This week, we will finish taking our first NWEA asessments in LA and Math. I will be going over all your child’s data with you at the first conference in November and give you a copy to take along with our first report card. Please see me if you have a specific  date and time to request, otherwise this week I’ll be sending you home a scheduled conference time if you have not been able to sign up yet! Can’t wait to show you how WELL your children have been doing already! Have I mentioned that I LOVE this class lately?

Here is what you need to know for this week!

Writing Workshop: We will continue building our routines and procedures and stamina writing as well as continue Unit 1 Writing though pictures! We are doing SO well developing rich illustrations, drawing shapes, labeling pictures and telling the stories orally.

Daily 5/Reading:  This week we will finish testing, continue to build stamina for “read to self” and work on procedures and expectations for reading. In addition, this wednesday bothe kdg classes will begin incorporating a literacy intervention program with Mrs. Pelaccio during Daily 5.  I am excited to dig in more to Daily 5 as we rock and roll our way to reading! Keep having fun working on Raz-kids every night for 10-20 minutes depending what grade you’re in and your child’s stamina at this point may be more like 5-10. That’s ok just build on it throughout the year! Remember, if you record a book I can listen to it and play it for the CLASS in school! This is SO fun and the kiddos are SO proud to hear their voice through the speakers!  🙂

Math: This week we will continue working on our number sense with numbers 0-5 kdg, 0-10 firsties, counting orally to 100 by 1s and 10s

Spelling: kinders will keep working on sight words in class and letter ID with the teacher in our individualized spelling program. If your child is still working on letters, then each Friday, they will be assessed on the remaining letters they are working on to see which new ones they have committed to memory! The more they know the better, but each child will progress at their individual speed 🙂op, stop, top, I, you)

*If your child likes to sing and dance, try practicing sight words on “Youtube”! You can google any sight word and look for sing along songs which are FABULOUS for committing sight words to memory! If this sounds like your child’s style check out my recommended sight words pages or the spelling program page for online resources to help! Our class LOVES the letter songs by “Heidi Songs” from Vimeo that was rented for our classroom for the year. It’s only $7 for the YEAR!!!

Science: This week we will begin a unit on the 5 Senses and What is a scientist before we move into the push and pull unit. I can’t wait to experiment using our 5 senses!

Social Studies: We will continue Unit 1 on being a good citizen and this week move into “good and bad choices” that people make!

Homework: Homework for now is just playing math games that are sent home. These are not “due” as these are for you to keep for the whole year. Place the sheets in a clear pocket protector to last.

*Important Dates: Conferences on November: 

*Reminders: Please send in a family picture for social studies this week! We will be decorating a picture frame!

*I will have a substitute tomorrow just for the morning. I have a meeting to attend. I will see you all in the afternoon!

Have a wonderful week and I will let you know of any updates in the schedules or if there is anything I have left out!



Ms. Shapas

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