Monthly Archives: June 2020

Census Reminder!

Census Reminder!

Dear Families,

Every year, billions of dollars in federal funding go to hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, and other resources based on census data.

For a better future of our city, schools, and students , please click on the link now and fill out the census. It only takes a few minutes from your time to make a difference.

Complete the Census application here:


Mrs. Caitlin Kubert, SXI Teacher

Last Week of School!

Last Week of School!

It is hard to believe that this is the last week of the school year!  It didn’t end like anyone had planned but we will always remember this year, that is for sure!

As you know, there will be remote learning this summer.  I have decided to not teach summer school this year and will be spending some extra time with my son and family.  With that being said, the following students will be taught by Ms. Erin Fogarty, a former SXI teacher at Howe:  Hamza, Hanin, Eman, Kareem, and Fadel.  Mrs. Lindsey Ray, another SXI teacher will teach Karim and Mariam.  Ms. Erin and Ms. Lindsey have been given your contact information and will be in touch with you very soon!

If you need ANYTHING this summer, I will be checking my email regularly, please feel free to contact me as needed.  I will see you all again in August!

A Message from our Principal: Summer School

A Message from our Principal: Summer School

June 2, 2020

Dear Howe School Family,

I would like to take a few minutes to personally thank you for all your support with your children and our school throughout this year.  With the unexpected closure, your partnership has been even more critical for our students and we appreciate all you are doing.  We are all learning together.  Unfortunately, due to the Governor’s orders and the safety concerns related to Covid-19 our summer school learning will most likely continue as remote learning. As a staff we have worked together to evaluate our remote learning program and have made some changes to our provision of services to address areas of weakness and to better serve our students. We are excited to provide you with important information about how we will continue to provide essential learning through the summer months.

As you know, students who receive services in the severe cognitive or severe multiple impairment programs have a high need for continued instruction into the summer months. For this reason, all students are expected to receive instruction as defined by their Individualized Education Plans for 200 school days each year instead of the 180 days provided by the district calendar. All students in our programs will have 20 additional days of school throughout the summer that they are required to attend. Students who have direct occupational, physical, or speech therapy determined by their IEP will continue to receive these services remotely as part of the school day during the summer months and.  

The Howe School school day for our programs will run on Mondays-Thursdays beginning on July 6 and will operate through August 6. 

Each school day (Monday-Thursday) will be made up of the following:

  • A daily 1 hour virtual session held at the same time each day that will include a Class Meeting, English Language Arts lesson, and a Math lesson. 
  • Scheduled individual consultation with the teacher at least two times each week
  • In addition, a weekly therapy block will be virtually conducted during one of the daily sessions.
  • Instructional materials will be delivered to the homes of Dearborn residents on Thursdays for the following weeks. All others will be mailed.

Daily attendance will be taken for the daily live sessions and for the individual consultations

  • Please notify your child’s teacher if he/she will be absent for any sessions.
  • If your child is having difficulty attending, it is important that you communicate with your child’s teacher to work out a plan with you. 
  • Translation support will be available if needed.

We appreciate your continued support and collaboration.  If you have any questions please feel free to call at 313-827-7000. 


Tammy L. Fournier,  Principal

PT Focus of the Week: Walking

PT Focus of the Week: Walking

It is getting nice outside, so let’s get outside and walk!  If needed continue to walk in the house.  I want to encourage you to get up and walk.  Use a walker, someone’s hands or sit in your stroller or wheelchair as you get out and move.  Let’s get walking this week. Use this informational link to learn about the 4 P’s of gait training! —Mrs. Letrisha Stallard