Monday (10/31) is our Fall Tailgate event with Mr. Borg. Students are encouraged to dress in their favorite sports team wear and/or colors.
Have a great weekend!!
Friday is the final day of the Box Tops Collection for the fall. We appreciate all of your participation as this brings in money to help our school.
Friday evening will be our second annual Trunk or Treat from 6-7:30. The cost of the event is a $3 donation. Forms have been sent home and we are asking that they be returned by Wednesday so our PTA can finalize the plans and purchase candy.
Our first School Improvement visit will be this Friday at 1:30. District administrators will be visiting our school to learn about our plans for improvement and provide us with feedback. Parents are welcome to join.
Monday, October 31, we will have an all-school party based on the theme of Tailgating. Mr. Borg has been working together with the staff to plan fun and exciting events for the students. Students are encouraged to dress in their favorite team colors or spirit-wear, or Halloween colors.
Instead of a Halloween Party on Monday, October 31, Mr. Borg our gym teacher and his paraprofessional Josh will be putting on a Fall Tailgate Party for the entire school. We are asking children to wear their favorite sport’s team shirt or the colors, if your child doesn’t have a sports shirt. For example, children can wear red for the Red Wings, blue for the Lions, etc. Josh, the assistant, will be grilling some sliders for the children to snack on during the party. They will have outside activities, dance area, arts and crafts, carnival type games, haunted maze, etc. Our class will be participating from 12:20-1:05.
Our classroom is not having a Halloween Party but if your child would like to pass out candy on Monday, he/she may do so. We have 7 students and 3 staff.
Dear Parents,
If you are an AOL email user, please be aware that you may not receive email notifications due to AOL policies. We are working to resolve this issue with AOL.
Thank you for your patience while we work with AOL to make sure you get classroom notifications from your teacher.
Technology Department