Monthly Archives: July 2016

Home-to-School Communication

Home-to-School Communication

Parents and Guardians:

In an effort to keep open communication between school and home, a green home-to-school communication folder will be sent home daily. One side of the folder will contain items that will need to be returned to school, the other side of the folder will have items for you to keep at home.

In the communication folder, you will be receiving a ‘Parent Communication Form’ daily. This will inform you of daily activities and any other important information regarding your child and their needs at school. Please initial this form and return it daily.

I appreciate your cooperation and support!

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Suggested Supply List

Suggested Supply List

Suggested Supply List 2016/2017

– 2 containers of disinfectant wipes

– 2 boxes of tissue

– 1 bottle of hand sanitizer

– 6 glue sticks

– 2 bottles of white school glue

– 1 roll of masking tape

– 1 roll of scotch tape

– 1 black Sharpie marker

– 2 packages of spoon feeding snacks (pudding and/or applesauce) **to practice feeding skills**

– 1 package Velcro dots

As we need items such as diapers, changes of clothes, and feeding supplies we will send home notes throughout the school year.

Thank you for your help in supplying materials we use daily in our classroom! Your help is greatly appreciated!




Parents and Guardians:

I am thrilled to be back at Howe in the 1st-3rd grade SXI classroom; I know it will be a wonderful year!

I am excited to work with the students this year as we continue to develop their academic skills, communication, and independence, all while having fun!  It is my goal to provide a safe and caring educational environment. We will learn in a variety of ways, to meet the needs of all students.

If you ever have any questions and/or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me using the following:


Phone: 313.827.7000

Educationally yours,

Mrs. Caitlin Kubert
