Week of Monday, December 9th

Posted by jedrzem on December 10, 2019 in Class News |

6th Grade Exploring Languages:  B day will learn about Arabic culture on Monday. They will play Jeopardy on Wednesday to prepare for Friday’s test on our Arabic unit (12-13-19). Homework packets will be collected then as well. Study using Quizlet.com and study culture in the packet. A day will play Jeopardy on Tuesday and take the Arabic Test on Thursday, December 12th (12-12-19). Homework packets will be collected that day. Study using Quizlet.com as well as the culture found in the homework packets. We will begin our American Sign Language unit next week.

7th & 8th Grade Conversational Spanish classes:  Students will review gustar in class today. Weather projects are due as well. Students will learn how to say “which object” they like more using Spanish grammar this week. They will perform speaking activities on Thursday and play Jeopardy on Friday. The test will be the following Monday, December 16th (12-16-19). Please make sure to study using Quizlet.com as well. Students will have a variety of practice activities with partners, group work, & grammar activities during class this week.

8th grade Yearlong: Students will take a grammar quiz on definite articles, gustar, porque & de this Friday (12-13-19). They will be completing grammar activities, chapter 2 review work, speaking activities with partners & a culture assignment. The chapter 2 test will be the following week.

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