Week of Monday, February 26th
(No school last week) 6th grade classes: Students in A day will learn about culture in Spain on Monday. Anyone who is absent, the work is posted on Google Classroom. Students will learn about body and family vocabulary on Tuesday and Wednesday. Make sure page 7 is complete this week. We will play Jeopardy on […]
Week of Monday, February 12th
We had a Snow Day on Friday, February 9th. 6th grade classes: Students in B day will learn about colors on Monday. Homework will be to complete page 4. Students in A day will learn about days and months on Tuesday. Homework will be to complete page 3. They will continue to learn about colors and […]
Week of Monday, February 5th
6th grade classes: Students in A day will learn Spanish greetings. Homework will be to complete page 1. Tuesday and Wednesday will focus on learning Spanish numbers. Homework will be to complete page 2 in the packet. On Thursday and Friday, students will learn Spanish days and months. Homework will be to complete page 3 in […]