March 30th-April 3rd
Greetings! A weekly checklist and specific activity directions are posted on the blog for the 6th, 7th & 8th graders below. Please let me know if you cannot access it. Thank you for all the parents that filled out the survey “permission forms” in their emails from last Friday. I still need many more responses […]
Friday, March 27th
Congratulations! You have made it another week! If you are like me, you are finding multiple ways to multitask with little ones running all over the house as well as trying to homeschool them! Keeping you all in my thoughts and hoping you are all healthy. Parents have a survey today. A survey will be […]
Survey Corrected
On Google Classroom, the survey has been corrected because there was one question that had a setting that needed to be changed. Thanks everyone!
Thursday, March 26th
Today, all 6th (A Day), 7th and 8th grade students will go to Google Classroom to fill out a survey. Study sets should be practiced to review vocabulary. 6th grade should have German projects and the iLearn activity completed by now. Practice German greetings, colors, numbers, days & months on Quizlet links posted on Google […]
Wednesday, March 25th
Hallo! (German) ¡Hola! (Spanish) Salut! (French) Marhaba! (Arabic) Cześć! (Polish)…Hello! All students will go to Google Classroom today to practice their vocabulary by clicking on the link(s) attached to the post. 6th graders need to make sure to remember their German greetings, numbers, colors, days & months. 7th grade needs to review their animals & […]
Tuesday, March 24th
7th & 8th grade: Make sure the last iLearn activity is complete from yesterday. You can redo it as many times so that you understand any errors. Your highest score will be recorded. Also, today, you will go to Google Classroom and work on the Quizlet set I have posted. Go on Flashcards, Match (at […]
Monday, March 23rd
Today, students will be logging in through “iLearn.” We have used this for testing in 6th grades classes. 7th & 8th grade students have used this within the classroom and are already logged into the course. Before you do this, watch this funny video from a teacher about the best ways to learn online: […]
Friday, March 20th
6th Grade Exploring Language: Submit your German projects into me today. Check out the directions on Google Classroom and previous iBlog posts to see how to hand in the assignment. Email me with any concerns. Continue to study German greetings, numbers, colors, days, months & culture. Use the Quizlet sets on Google Classroom to practice. […]
Thursday, March 19th
6th Grade Exploring Language: Please continue to submit your German projects into me by this Friday. Check out the directions on Google Classroom and previous iBlog posts to see how to hand in the assignment. Continue to study German greetings, numbers, colors, days, months & culture. Use the Quizlet sets on Google Classroom to practice. […]
Wednesday, March 18th
Update: The district has recommended that food services add another site to our emergency feeding program. Smith is the school that has been selected to start on Monday, March 23. The district is also waiting for all students to have access to Chromebooks. Parents will be notified of this within the upcoming week. During this time, […]