Week of Monday, September 25th
6th grade classes: On Monday, A day will learn about culture in Spain and other interesting holidays in Spanish-speaking countries in the world. The next two days, students will learn about family and body vocabulary in Spanish. On Thursday and Friday, students will play Jeopardy in teams as a class to prepare for their Spanish assessment […]
Week of Monday, September 18th
6th grade classes: On Monday and Tuesday, students will learn about Spanish days, months, and colors. Pages 3 & 4 should be complete by the end of the week. On Friday, B day will be learning about culture and will have page 5 complete in their packets. Make sure that students are practicing Greetings, Numbers, Days […]
Week of Monday, September 11th
6th grade classes: A Day will finish up learning about expectations and creating classroom norms on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday, students will learn about Spanish greetings and culture. On Thursday and Friday, students will learn about Spanish numbers. Homework this week will be to complete pages 1-2 in their packets. Also, students will practice […]
Week of Tuesday, September 5th
Welcome back to school! I look forward to meeting all the wonderful students that will be coming into my room to learn foreign language this year! Please make sure to read the PBIS PowerPoint and syllabi that pertains to the class that students will be taking. The tabs are located above. Bienvenidos 🙂 This week […]