Week of Tuesday, September 5th

Posted by jedrzem on September 1, 2017 in Class News |

Welcome back to school! I look forward to meeting all the wonderful students that will be coming into my room to learn foreign language this year! Please make sure to read the PBIS PowerPoint and syllabi that pertains to the class that students will be taking. The tabs are located above. Bienvenidos 🙂

This week we will be going over expectations and participating in circles. Please make sure to have all your supplies for Monday.


My Email: JedrzeM@dearbornschools.org

My School Phone: 313-827-7416 (leave a message)

Online Flashcards: Quizlet.com (search bar: Jedrzem)


Students will be asked to go onto Google Classroom to fill out the following information:

  1. My cell phone number is (— — —-) / My email address is ______for updates through Remind.com.
  2. My child and I have read the syllabus and PBIS expectations.
  3. (Yes or No), photos or videos can be taken for educational purposes in the class for PowerPoints, iBlog, etc.


School Supplies for foreign language classes:

6th grade: folder with prongs and pockets, lined paper, pencil, red pen, thin dry erase EXPO marker

7th grade: folder with prongs and pockets, lined paper, 2 notebooks, pencil, red pen, thin dry erase EXPO marker

8th grade: 3 notebooks, folder with prongs and pockets, lined paper, pencil, red pen, thin dry erase EXPO marker

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