Week of Monday, March 5th
Snow Day (last Friday)
6th grade classes: The Spanish test will be today, Monday (B day) and the test scheduled for Tuesday (A day) will be postponed until Thursday of this week because of Friday’s snow day. A day will play Jeopardy on Tuesday to prepare for the test. On Wednesday, B day will learn about German greetings. Grades are posted to reflect homework completion on Parent Connect.
7th & 8th grade Conversational Spanish: Today, students will learn how to make objects and people plural using grammar rules in Spanish. They will learn questions expressions in Spanish this week as well. Since it is a short unit, Jeopardy will be on Friday and the test will be next Monday. Make sure to study using Quizlet.com. Culture slides are posted on Google classroom. If there is homework, it will always be posted on Google Classroom on a daily basis.
8th grade Yearlong: Students will complete their Chapter 3 Grammar 2 quiz on today. They will create a conversation on Tuesday in Spanish after watching VideoNovela. Chapter 3 review will be completed in class on Wednesday. Screencastify will be on Thursday. Jeopardy will be played on Friday. The chapter 3 test will be next Monday. Homework is posted on Google Classroom daily. Study the all notes and practice on Quizlet.com to review vocabulary. Gracias 🙂 Check Parent Connect/Student Connect for grades.