Week of Monday, November 6th
6th grade classes: On Monday, A day will learn about colors in French. Homework will be to complete page 4. On Wednesday (B day) and Thursday (A day), students will learn about family & body in French. There will be a Google Slide summative assignment on Google Classroom. We will complete pages 5, 6 & 7 in class this week and next. Anything not complete will be homework. Please use Quizlet daily to study French greetings, numbers, days & months, and colors.
7th & 8th grade Conversational Spanish: This week, students will review how to conjugate the verb “ir.” All the unit 3 notes are posted on Google Classroom for any students that have been absent. The study sets on Quizlet.com are called: units 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3. We will play Jeopardy to review for the test. The unit 3 test will be on Thursday, November 9th.
8th grade Yearlong: Students will continue to learn about adjectives this week. They will learn how to ask about birthdays and ages. Also, they will take notes about the verb “ser” (to be) and gender & adjective agreement. Please continue to be studying the notes. They are posted on Google Classroom for anyone who has been absent in class. Please check Parent Connect / Student Connect for grades. The next quiz will be on Friday, November 10th. It will be on Ch. 2 Vocab 1 (adjectives, birthdays, & age).