Week of Monday, October 23rd
6th grade classes: On Monday, A day will play Jeopardy to prepare for the German test. On Tuesday (B day) and Wednesday (A day), students will complete their German unit assessment. It will focus on greetings, colors, numbers (1-10), days & months, and culture. Family & body projects (in German) are due the day of the test. I will also be collecting the German packets. Make sure all pages are completed. Some assignments can be accessed on Google Classroom for articles. Please use Quizlet to study German greetings, numbers, days & months, and colors.
7th & 8th grade Conversational Spanish: The Unit 2 test will be on Tuesday, October 24th. All the notes are posted on Google Classroom for any students that have been absent. Culture slides for unit 2 are also on there. Quizlet.com should be used the study as well. The study sets on Quizlet.com are called: unidad 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3. Study all the material! Students will then begin learning culture and vocabulary about days of the week and going places the following days.
8th grade Yearlong: The chapter 1 test will be on Wednesday, Octboer 25th. Make sure that students are still continuing to study on Quizlet.com. Please continue to be studying the notes. They are posted on Google Classroom for anyone who has been absent in class. Please check Parent Connect / Student Connect for grades. The end of the card marking period ends in 2 weeks: Friday, November 3rd. Students will play Jeopardy on Monday to review for the test. On Tuesday, they will complete Screencastify with partners (speaking activities). The test will be on Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, they will begin learning about the culture of Puerto Rico.