Thursday, May 25th

Posted by jedrzem on May 25, 2017 in Class News |

Progress Reports will be posted this weekend. Students with a C- or below will receive a report next week. Please be checking Parent Connect to see what assignments your child is missing.

6th grade classes learned about Arabic culture and played Jeopardy this week. The Arabic test will be next week on Tuesday (B day) and Wednesday (A day). Every page in the packet should be complete. If there was a substitute in class one day, one bell work spot on the back page will be missing. Please make sure to have all supplies (folder, thin dry erase marker, pencil, red pen, planner, and Arabic packet). I have also assigned Quizlet during class. We will start ASL (American Sign Language) next week.

Please make sure you are checking student planners daily to see what is due the following day we meet. Also, make sure you are on Quizlet.com the day that we do not meet (since we meet every other day). Quizlet.com will verify that you are continuously studying. If you are not able to do so, please email me at jedrzem@dearbornschools.org to verify the day that you were able to log on. If you are having difficulty logging in, please email me or send in a note with your child and he/she will be excused.

7th & 8th grade conversational Spanish classes: Students have been learning about weather, likes/dislikes, and liking an object using the word, “it.” The test on unit 5 will be next week. We will be reviewing concepts next week and practicing conversational skills. Please make sure to have your supplies: pencil, red pen, folder, 2 notebooks, thin dry erase marker and planner.

Please make sure that quizlet.com is being completed daily. Check Grade Book to make sure points are being provided. Email me with any concerns. I check quizlet.com every evening to see student study progress.

8th yearlong Spanish classes completed their chapter 5 test today. We have been writing and completing review activities for chapter 5 this week. They will have their final exam next Thursday and Friday. We will be reviewing concepts on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please make sure you are checking student planners daily to see what is due the following day we meet. Also, make sure you are on quizlet.com daily. Quizlet.com will verify that you are continuously studying. If you are not able to do so, please email me at jedrzem@dearbornschools.org to verify the day that you were able to log on.

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