Friday, January 20th
6th grade: Students learned about days, months, and colors in ASL this week. I will review concepts with B day next week. If some students are not ready to take the test on Tuesday, we can wait until the next class. Student will have their ASL test and cultural food day the following week. Please think about a German, Spanish, French, or Arabic dish you would like to bring in and share with the class. B day has their ASL test on Monday. A day has their ASL test on Tuesday. Cultural food day for B day is on Wednesday. Cultural food day for A day is on Thursday.
Please make sure you are checking student planners daily to see what is due the following day we meet. Also, make sure you are on the day that we do not meet (since we meet every other day). will verify that you are continuously studying. If you are not able to do so, please email me at to verify the day that you were able to log on.
7th grade & 8th grade Semester Conversational Spanish: Students learned tener expressions and how to use tu versus usted this week. Students will have their final exam on Wednesday, January 25th. We will also have cultural food day on Tuesday, January 24th.
Please make sure that is being completed daily. Check Grade Book to make sure points are being provided. Email me with any concerns. I check every evening to see student study progress.
8th grade Yearlong: Students completed their chapter 3 grammar 1 quiz. Students learned new verbs focusing mostly on nouns around the school. We will have our midterm on January 24th. Cultural food day will follow the day after.
Please make sure that is being completed daily. Check Grade Book to make sure points are being provided. Email me with any concerns. I check every evening to see student study progress.