Ventures 1 Vocabulary–plus tech Words for Work Success

Words to Learn Slides


Ventures 1 Word Page from text book. Use each in a sentence & write it in Arabic (Please write small.)
Vocabulary index This index is an alphabetical list of all content vocabulary in Ventures 1 Student’s Book. Page numbers indicate the first appearance of each word or phrase. n = noun; v = verb
Zero –
One –
Two –
One Hundred

across from p.60
address 13
afternoon 72
ahead 62
air conditioner
always 73
ankle 47
apartment 65
apartment building 65
apartment number 13
apple juice 89
apples 84
application 98
appointment 54
appointment confirmation card 54
April 5
Arabic teacher
area code 6
arm 46
aspirin 47
at 74
August 5
aunt 39
auto mechanic 101
back 51
backache 44
bad 46
bag 30
balloons 94
bananas 84
bandage 47
bank 60
baseball 129
basket 24
basketball 129
bathroom 110
beach 127
beauty salon 103
between 60
bike 125
bills 73
birthday 5
birthday party 38
blocks 62
blueberries 87
body 51
book 18
bookcase 24
bottle 89
box 19
bread 84
break 79
breakfast 77
broken 44
broken arm 46
broken leg 44
broom 117
brother 33
bucket 117
building 65
build things 101
bulletin board 25
bus 59
business 80
bus person 97
bus stop 59
busy 36
buying 37
buying a snack 70
cabinet 20
cake 38
calculator 20
calendar 20
camping 122
can (n) 89
cancel 54
cancellation 54
canoeing 122
car 100
card 54
carpenter 101
carrot 86
carton 89
cashier 84
catch 71
catch the bus 71
ceiling light
celebrate 38
celebrating 38
center 64
cents 85
certificate 102
certified 102
check 91
cheese 84
cherries 87
child-care worker 101
children 40
chin 51
citizenship 80
city 6
classroom 24
cleaning 110
clerk 84
clinic 54
clock 18
clothes 110
coffee 61
coffee shop 61
cold 47
community 64
community center 64
competition 132
computer 21
computer programmer
confirmation 54
construction worker 96
cook 96 cookies 84
cooking class 75
corner 60
cough 44
cough drops 47
country 11
country of origin 16
courthouse 65
credit card 91
cross 62
custodian 103
customer 90
cut (n) 47
cut grass 117
dad 39
daily schedule 79
dancing 124
date 54
daughter 32
day 5 day-care center 65
debit card 91
December 5
dental assistant 103
dental hygienist
dental office 103
department store 79
desk 18
dictionary 20
dime 91
dinner 71
dishes 112
DMV 63
do 72
doctor 97
doctor’s office 50
dog 43
dollar bill 90
dollars 91
door buzzer
door handle
dozen 93
drawer 20
dress (n) 111
driver’s license 63
driving 36
driving lessons 75
dry (v) 112
dust (v) 112
dustpan 117
duties 120
ear 51
earache 44
eat 71
eat breakfast 77
eat dinner 77
eat lunch 77
egg 86
elderly people 102
electrical outlet
electrician 97
elementary school 65
e-mails 125
employee 76
employment 106
employment history 106
emptying 110
eraser 18
evening 72
exercise (v) 72
eye 51
factory 76
factory worker 103
family 33
fast-food restaurant 79
father 32
February 5
fever 45
filing cabinet 23
finger 51
fireworks 124
first name 6
fish 90
fishing 122
fix 100
flag – ‘a-lam
floor 110
flour 89
flower shop 68
flu 49
folding chair
foot 51
football 129
Friday 5
fruit 90
fruit salad 87
frying pan
fun 115
furniture – a -thaath
garden 73
gardener 101
gas station
get home 71
get some rest 49
get up 77
glasses – naZ-Zaa-ra
globe 25
go shopping 73
got 114
go to bed 77
grandfather 32
grandma 39
grandmother 32
grandpa 39
grass 115
groceries 93
grocery store 58
ground floor
ground meat 92
guitar 38
hairstylist 103
half-dollar 91
hand 51
hardware store 65
head 51
headache 44
health 44
health problem 55
heating pad 47
helpful 36
high school 65
hiking 122
hole puncher 25
home 52
homemaker 99
hospital 58
hot dog buns 94
hot dogs 94
hotel 103
house 58
household objects 117
housekeeper 103
how many 86
how much 86
hungry 36
hurts 51
husband 33
ice 94
ice hockey 129
ice pack 47
ice skating 129
in 74
indent 79
index cards 25
information 7
insurance 42
insurance application form 42
in the afternoon 72
in the morning 72
index finger
insurance agent
inventory list 28
iron 112
January 5
job application form 98
job duties 120
juice 87
July 5
June 5
ketchup 94
keyboarding 80
kitchen 112
knee 51
lake 125
laptop 23
last name 6
last night 112
last week 112
late 36
laundry 115
lawn mower 117
leave for work 76
leg 44
library 58
library card 106
license 63
life skill 16
lights 120
listening 34
little finger
loaf 89
lunch 36
mail (n) 115
make 114
manager 98
map 18
March 5
marker 25
married 40
May 5
meat 87
medical 54
medical record number 54
microwave oven
middle initial 13
middle name 16
middle school 65
milk 84
Miss 13
mom 39
Monday 5
money 91
month 5
mop (n) 117
mopping 110
morning 72
mother 32
motorcycle 125
mouth 51
movies 133
Mr. 13
Mrs. 13
Ms. 13
museum 59
Nail clipper
nap 70
neck 51
neighborhood 59
nephew 39
next to 60
nickel 91
niece 39
night 74
night shift 76
none 59
nose 51
notebook 20
notepads 25
November 5
number 4
nurse 96
nursing assistant 96
occupation 99
October 5
office 50
office building 103
office worker 108
on 60
one-dollar bill 90
onions 85
on the corner of 60
orange juice 87
oranges 86
package 89
paint 100
painter 101
paper clips 25
paper napkins 94
paper plates 94
parents 42
park 59
parking lot 63
parts 51
parts of the body 51
party 38
patient 54
pay 73
pay bills 73
peach 86
pen 18
pencil 18
pencil sharpener 20
penny 91
peppers 92
petrol / gasoline
pharmacy 59
pharmacy technician 103
picnicking 122
pie 86
pineapples 87
Ping-Pong 129
pizza 128
places 59
plastic knives, forks, spoons 94
play 73
playground 65
play soccer 73
police car
police officer 76
police station 65
popcorn 35
position 106
post office 59
postal worker
potatoes 85
problem 45
pronunciation 80
PTA meetings 74
quarter 90
read 72
reading 34
read to children 104
reading a schedule 70
receptionist 97
record 54
refrigerator 88
registration 7
regular customer 90
relax 123
remedy 55
reports 102
reschedule 54
rest 49
restaurant 58
rice 85
ring finger
root beer 94
rug 110
ruler 19
salad 114
salesperson 101
Saturday 5
schedule 70
school 59
scissors 25
security guard 76
semester 80
senior center 65
senior citizens 102
September 5
server 97
shelf 20
shift 76
shirt 111
shop 61
shopping 73
shopping cart 84
shopping mall 65
shoulder 51
sick 50
signature 13
Sincerely 52
singing 38
single 40
sister 33
sister-in-law 39
skiing 129
skills 102
sleeping 34
smart 40
snack 70
soccer 73
soccer ball 133
social security card 106
social security number 106
soda 37
soft drink 94
son 32
sore 44
sore throat 44
soup 114
South Korea 10
spaghetti 92
Spanish 100
sponge 117
sports coach
sprained 45
sprained ankle 45
start 71
start work 71
state 13
Statue of Liberty 130
stock clerk 84
stomach 51
stomachache 45
stop 59
stove 92
straight 62
straight ahead 62
strawberries 87
street 13
students 65
study 72
studying 34
subway stop 67
sugar 86
Sunday 5
supermarket 83
surfing 129
sweep 114
swimming 122
table 18
take 36
take a break 71
take a shower 77
take a trip 126
take care of children 101
take care of plants 101
take the children to school 77
taking 36
taking a nap 70
talking 34
tasty 104
tea 89
teacher 98
teeth 51
telephone number 6
ten-dollar bill 90
terrible 46
Thanksgiving Day 81
thirsty 36
throat 44
Thursday 5
ticket (n) 111
time 54
tired 36
tissues 47
title 13
toe 51
toilet paper
toilets 68
tomatoes 85
tomorrow 126
tonight 126
total 85
tow trunk
train station 66
trash 110
trash cans 120
truck 100
Tuesday 5
turn left 62
turn right 62
TV 73
twenty-dollar bill 91
uncle 39
under 19
use (v) 8
usually 73
vacation 74
vacuum cleaner 117
vacuuming 110
vegetables 90
Vietnamese 102
visit 75
vitamin C 47
volunteer 75
walk 77
walk the dog 77
wall 20
wash 111
watching machine
wastebasket 111
watch 34
watching 35
water 86
wearing 76
Wednesday 5
week 56
weekend 68
Western Union
whiteboard 25
work 71
worker 96
work in the garden 73
work skills 102
year 38
yesterday 57
zip code 6

Can I ask you a question?
Did you find everything you need?
I am fine. How are you?
I am good.
Goodbye – ma’as sa-laa-ma
Goodnight – lai-la sa’ee-da
Hello, how are you?
Hello, my name is ______________.
How can I help you?
How do I find the
How much is a money order?
How much is it to mail this?
I see.
I will find someone who can help you.
My name is __________.
Nice to meet you.
What do you think of the weather?
When are you open?
What is the price for this?

Juggler- bah-la-waan
Lock – kaa-loon
Magician – saa-Hir
notebook – daf-tar
open – maf-TooH
to listen – is-ta-ma-‘a

Workplace Vocab

Alt – The alternate key.  It changes what another key does.

Alt – Tab – allows you to flip or switch between open programs.


Cd (or DVD) Piece of equipment you can store files on.

Cloud- cyberspace, having to do with the Internet.

Compatibility – Use compatibility mode in Office to open docs created in earlier versions.  Limits features.

Control panel – Provides access to most programs and features needed to change the screen and how things work.

Crop – Hiding any unwanted portions.

Defragmenting – reunites related bits and pieces and fills the gaps left when programs were uninstalled or files were deleted.

Download – To take something from the web and load it down on to your computer or tablet.

Drive letters – Each drive is assigned a drive letter: c, d for recovery, E for dvd rw drive, f for usb disk.

Exit sleep mode – Move the mouse or tap the spacebar.

FAQ – An abbreviation for Frequently Asked Questions.

Favorites – a link to a web page that you save in your browser.

Favorites center – a gathering spot in internet explorer for favorites you created while surfing the web.

Flashdrive – (Also known as jump drive or thumb drive.) Piece of equipment you can store files on.

Font size – The size of the letters you type.

Gadgets – Small programs that can put useful info at your fingertips: clock, slide show or picture viewer, feed headlines (an RSS reader)  this gathers news from various places and compiles them, lists them.

Gallery – tools like shapes and wordart come in galleries.  Paint has a lot of galleries or collections of tools: line thickness, size options.

Hibernate – Saves everything you were working on.  Then, all is shut down.

Hyperlinks or links – a text or picture that’s link to another page on the web.

Launch = start

Menu panes – The start menu is divided into left and right panes.  Left side has a list of commands to programs and a search text box.  The right pane shows parts of the computer system.

Modem – Allows your computer to connect to the Internet.

Mouse pad – A mat used for tracking the motion of a computer mouse.

Mouse pointers – arrow, text selection as an insertion point or blinking cursor or an I beam in a text area, a plus or precision selection pointer, a circle or system busy pointer, move pointer 4 arrow, and a vertical resize, up and down arrow.

Multitasking – this allows the computer to run many programs at the same time, like listening to music as you type.

Network – a group of computers that work together or share information.

Network port – This allows the computer to connect to a network of computers. At home you may use cable to connect to the net.

Notification Area.  Bottom right corner of the taskbar.  Shows icons for programs currently running.

Processor – The brain or the computer.  AKA the CPU.  It does most of the work.  Speed is rated by GHz. The larger the gigahertz the more capable the processor or brain is.

Recycle bin – a unique folder that’s for temporary storage for stuff deleted.

Restore down – Resizes a program window to the smaller size it was before it was last maximized.

Restoring Folders & files – By opening the recycle bin, there is a Restore All Items button.

Right clicking a program button on the taskbar – let’s you close a program quicker.

Router – allows you to connect multiple computers to your internet connection.

Screen tips – name and brief description that appears when the mouse pointer rests over a button.

Selecting text – Highlighting selected text

Sleep mode – In this mode, the computers uses a lot less energy. (On most laptops, closing the lid puts it into sleep mode.

Social media – websites where people and/or businesses are linked together to communicate.

Spell check – A tool that can check for misspelled words.

Swipe – quickly moving your finger across a screen or touchpad.

System Restore – Saves a restore point of settings and then, in the future, can be used to restore your computer so it works better.

Tabs – the menu tabs at the top of a ribbon.  Wordpad has a home tab and view tab.

Theme – a set of formatting selections.

Tip – Only the tip of the mouse pointer is active.  The rest is simply there to make the cursor easier to see.

Top level domains: .com is commercial, .edu is education, .gov is government, .org is organization, .net is internet related and businesses, .mil is military.

Underline – Making words underlined.

Update – Updates to programs such as Windows 7/ Windows Office.

Viruses – Harmful programs that tell your computer to do destructive things that damage your computer or files or documents.


Alt –

Alt-Tab –

App. –

Autocorrect –

Autoplay –

Button bar = ribbon = toolbar

Cd (or DVD)


Control panel –

Crop –

Defrag –

Download –

Drive letters –

Editing text –

Exit sleep mode –


Favorites –

Favorites center –

Flashdrive –

Font size –

Formatting text –

Gadgets –

Gallery –

Hibernate –

Hyperlinks –

Launch –

Menu panes –

Modem –

Mouse pad –

Mouse pointers –

Multitask –

Network –

Network port –

Notification Area.

Processor –

Recycle bin –

Restore down –

Right clicking a minimized program –

Router –

Screen Tips –

Selecting text –

Sleep mode –

Spell check –

Swipe –

Tabs –

Theme –

Tip –

Top level domains –

Underline –

Updating –

Viruses –


A Active – The program or window currently in use. (Neff)
Address bar – A bar near the top of the computer window that tells you where you are looking in the computer. (p100L6)
Align – To place on the left, center, or right side of the page. (p80L5)
Alignment – How text is placed, either on the left, center, or right side of the page. (p78 L5)
Appear – When something shows and you can see it. (p36 L2)
Appearance – The way something looks. (p35 L2)
Arrow keys – Keys that move your cursor to another place without erasing. (p58 L2)
At or @ symbol – The character that is included in email addresses between the username and the email provider name. (p140L8)
AutoCorrect – A feature that corrects commonly misspelled words as you type. (Neff)
B Back and forward buttons – These buttons in the top left corner help you move among websites. (p126L7)
Backspace key – A key that erases what is to the left of the cursor. (p58 L4)
Blog – A personal website that’s updated.
Body – This is where you put what you want to say in the letter. (p167L9)
Bold type – A style of lettering where the letters are thicker and darker. (p79 L2)
Browse – To look around the internet. (p124L7)
Bullets – Special dots, squares, checkmarks, or characters that you can put before items on a list. (p79 L5)
Buttons – Icons that do different things when you click them with a mouse. Completes an action. (p21 lesson1)
C C: drive – A permanent hard drive inside the computer that holds the software that makes your computer work; it can also hold many of your files. (p100L6)
Calculator – A program you use to do many calculations. (p36 L3)
Captcha – Random blurry letter you type to prevent spam, mass emails. (reCaptcha uses words from books, addresses, questions, or puzzles. It’s the most popular type. Humans pass, program bots don’t. (Neff)
Cell – A small rectangle in a table or spreadsheet. (Neff)
Check – To click a box so that a checkmark appears. (p36 L2)
Check spelling – To check typed documents to find incorrect spelling and grammar. (p162L9)
Checkbox – A box that you can click to select something you want. (p34 L2)
Choose – To select (or to click on) something from a group of different things. (p101L6)
Clear – To click a button or box to remove what you checked before; to uncheck a box. (p36 L2)
Click – To press and let go of the mouse button (left side) in one smooth motion. (p4 lesson1)
Clip art – A collection of photos, images, and pictures you can use in your document. (Neff)
Clipboard – The place in the computer’s memory where something goes when you copy it and before you paste it in a new location. (p186L10)
Clipboard group – Part of the home tab of the Word ribbon that holds the cut, copy, and paste buttons. (p187L10)
Close – To stop a program and make it not show on your screen anymore. (p22 L2)
Close Button – The button with an “X” that closes the window; it makes the window disappear and also closes the program. (p21 lesson2)
Closing – The last words before you sign a personal letter. (p161L9)
Command – A thing you use to tell the computer to do something. (p14 lesson1)
Compatibility mode – Documents created in earlier versions of Microsoft Office. (Neff)
Complimentary close – The last words before you sign a business letter. (p161L9)
Compose – To write a message. (p141L8)
Computer window – Also called Windows Explorer; shows you the storage areas, files, and folders in your computer. Pops up when you click the Start button. (p100,103 L6)
Connect – To make contact with the Internet. (p124L7)
Contacts – A contact list is where you enter and keep email addresses or phone numbers. (p144L8)
Copy – To duplicate text in a document so you can put it in a different location. (p188L10)
CPU – The brain of the computer system; also known as the Central Processing Unit. Some call it the desktop or tower unit. (p2 lesson1)
Crop – A feature used to hide any unwanted portions of a picture. (Neff)
Cursor – An object on the screen that shows where you are going to type text. (p58 L4)
Cut – To take away or delete text or information you do not want. (p188L10)
D Database – A collection of information; allows users to select and sort records of information.(Neff)
Defrag – Using this reorganizes/rearranges the data on your hard drive so the computer runs better.(Neff)
Decrease – To make something smaller. (p80L5)
Delete – To take away or erase. (p60L4)
Delete key – A key that erases what is to the right of the cursor. (p58 L4)
Desktop – The first thing you see on your screen after you turn on the computer. (p3 lesson1)
Dialog box – A window with boxes you can click to select what you want. (p34 L2)
Document – Something that is typed and provides information. (p78 L5)
Double-click – To quickly press and release the left mouse button two times. (p101L6)
Drag or dragging – To use your mouse to take something to a different position on the screen. (p5 lesson1)
Drag and drop – A way of moving screen objects. (Neff)
Drop-down list arrow – An arrow you can click to make the drop-down list box appear. (p34 L2)
Drop-down list box – A list with more things you can choose from. (p34 L2)
DVD drive – Reads CDs and DVDs (Some old computers may only have a CD drive.) p103L6
E Email (Electronic mail) – A way to send information from one computer to another. (p140L8)
Enter key – A key that moves the cursor to the next line. (p58 L4)
F Favorites – Links that you save in your web browser. (Neff)
Field – A column of information in a sheet or spreadsheet.(Neff)
File – A package of information. (p89L5)
File tab – The file tab is different from other ribbon tabs; when you click it, you see the file menu that let’s you open, save, and print documents, and do other things. (p160L9)
Folder – A place where you can organize and keep computer files. (p100 L6)
Font – The shape and size of typed letters. (p78 L5)
Format (font) – To pick the font you want and use it in your document; to make design choices about the way your document looks. (p80,162L5)
Forward – To send a message that you received to another person. (p141L8)
G Go to – To take your mouse pointer to an icon or program name that you see on your screen. (p4 lesson1)
Google – The most popular Internet search engine. To Google is to search. (p130L7)
Graphics program – A program used to make and change pictures. (p37 L2)
Grayed out – An object that is lightened in color so that you know you can’t use it. (Neff)
Greeting – The opening words for a personal letter. (p161L9)
Group – A set of several buttons that are together in a section under a tab. (p160L9)
H Handles – The small squares or circles that surround an object when selected. You can drag a handle with the mouse pointer to resize the object. (Neff)
Hard drive or Hard disk– Inside the computer, the hard drive holds most computer programs, including Windows; the information stays on the drive even after the computer is turned off. (p100L6)  Part of the CPU.  Has the guts of the equipment to run the computer and store the programs and files.
Hardware – The physical part of the computer system, such as the monitor or the keyboard. (p34 L2)
Heading – The heading of a letter has three lines: the name of the writer, the street address of the writer, and the city, state, and zip code of the writer. Put 3 blank lines after the heading. (p166L9)
Highlight – To click at the beginning of a letter and drag the mouse to the end of what you want to change. (p80L5)
Hold – To keep your finger pressed on the mouse button. (p36 L2)
Homepage – The page that appears when you open Internet Explorer or another web browser. (p123L7)

I I-beam – The shape of the mouse pointer when in a the typing area of a doc; it looks like a capitol “I” (Neff)
Icon – – A picture that represents a program or command. (p3 lesson1)
Inbox – A page in your email that lists all the messages you have received. (p140L8)
Increase – To make something bigger. (p80L5)
Ignore – To pay no attention to something. (p162L9)
Insert – To put in or to put a USB drive into the USB port of a computer. (p80,162L5)
Insertion point – A blinking mark where text will appear on the screen. Also known as the cursor.(Neff)
Internet – Computers from all over the world connected so they can communicate. (p122L7)
Internet address – The unique address, or URL, for each web page. (p122L7)
Internet connection – The system that lets you make contact with the Internet. Dial-up, cable, DSL telephone line, satellite, or Wi-Fi connections can do this. (p122,125L7)
ISP (Internet Service Provider) – A company that gives you a connection to the Internet; usually, you have to pay money for this service. (p123L7)
Italic type – (Italics) A style of lettering where the letters are a little slanted to the right. (p79 L5)
Insert (text) – To type text between two other letters or words. (p60L4)
K Keyboard – Place to type on.  Input device. The part that you type on with all the letters, symbols, and functions. (p2 lesson1)
L Let go – To take your finger off the mouse button after you press it. (p4 lesson1)
Let up – To release or let go of the mouse button. (p36 L2)
Libraries – Inside the navigation pane, libraries hold folders of files. (p103L6)
Line spacing button – A button in the paragraph group of the Home tab of the Ribbon that is used to change the space between lines of text. (p161L9)
Link – An object or text that takes you from one web page to another when you click on it. (p122L7)
Location – The place where something is.
M Maximize – To make the window larger so that it fills the entire screen. (p22 L2)
Maximize button – The square button between Minimize and Close that makes a window fill the whole screen. (p20 lesson2)
Menu – a list of choices on a computer. (p12 lesson1)
Menu Bar – The bar with words that is below the title bar and gives you ways to use the program. (p21 lesson2)
Message – Information that you type and send to another person using email. (p140L8)
Mini toolbar – Contains frequently used formatting commands like font size and color; appears when you select cells or text or when you right click on the cells or text. (Neff)
Minimize – To make a window disappear (but not close) so only its button shows on the taskbar. (p22 L2)
Minimize button – The button that looks like a minus sign at the top-right corner of a window; it makes the window disappear, but the program is still open. (p20 lesson2)
Modem – A tool that connects your computer to the internet. (p122L7)
Modify – To make a small change to something to improve it. (p101L6)
Monitor – A computer screen. The part of the computer that you look at to see your work; like a television or screen. (p2 lesson1)

Monitor power button – The button that turns the monitor on. (p9 lesson1)
strong>Mouse – The small oval piece that you can use to move from one part of the screen to another. (p2 lesson1)
Mouse left button – To click you use this button. (p12 lesson1)
Mouse button – The top-left part at the top of the mouse that you use to control the mouse movement. (p3 lesson1)
Mouse – Holding the mouse: hold the mouse with your thumb, third finger, and fourth finger. (p12 lesson1)
Mouse pointer – This moves around on the screen as you move your mouse. (p11 lesson1)
Mouse right button – You use this button, usually, to get a menu. You right click when you use this button. (p12 lesson1)
Mouse scroll wheel – You use the scroll wheel to page up or page down a webpage. (p12? lesson1)
Move – To change the location of text or other information. (p188L10)
Moving a window – Put your mouse pointer on the title bar, if the window is not maximized, and hold down the left button, moving the mouse as you do so. (p28 L2)
Multitask – To do more than one thing at the same time. (p188L10)
N Navigation pane – Left side of screen. It lets you select from different parts of the computer.(p103L6)
Notepad – The simplest word processing program. (p64L4)
Numeric keypad – the number pad on the right side of a keyboard. (p62L4)
O Objective – The kind of job or goal that someone wants. (p186L10)
Open– To show a window or put a saved document on the screen. (p22,162L2)
Operating system – The software that manages your computer: Windows 7 or 10, for example. (Neff)
P Paint – A program that gives you many tools to work with to make pictures. (p42 L3)
Page setup – Where you go to set up what your page looks like. (p41 L3)
Password – A personal word or combination of letters and numbers that lets you get to your email. (p140L8) A secret code
Paste – To take text that you copied and put it in a new location. (p188L10)
PC – A personal computer that is not an Apple computer, iPad, MacBook, or such. (Neff)
Play – To use a computer game, listen to a music file, or watch a video file. (p36,101 L2)
Point – To make the mouse pointer touch something that you want to choose. (p22 L2) Holding the tip of the mouse pointer over an object on the screen.
Power Button – The button that turns the computer on. (Be sure to tap the keyboard or mouse because you press the power button. p2 lesson1)
Presentation program – software such as PowerPoint or Slides that allows you to create multimedia shows that can be displayed on your computer or projected onto a screen of some type. (Neff)
Press – To push a button with your finder. (p4 lesson1)
Preview – To see how information will look when it is printed so you can decide what you want to do. (p36 L2)
Print – To put a document from your computer onto a sheet of paper. (p60L4)
Printer – A machine that puts information from the computer onto a sheet of paper. (p59 L4)
Program – A set of directions (such as Microsoft Word, Calculator, and WordPad) that tells the computer what to do to get a job done. (p20 lesson2)
Program menu button – A button you click in WordPad and Paint to show new choices. (p35 L2)
Q Quick access toolbar – The bar usually above (but can be below) the Word ribbon and on the left side, it has buttons that you use often. (p161L9)
R Release – To take your finger off the mouse button. (p36 L2)
Reply – To answer a message that you received. (p141L8)
Restore – To change a maximized window to a smaller size. (p22 L2)
Restore Button – The button in the same place as Maximize that changes a large window to a smaller size. (p21 lesson2)
Result – the effect of a change you make. (p187L10)
Resume – A special document that you can use to help you find a job. (p189L10)
Ribbon – A bar showing different icons: each icon does a different job when you click on it. (p21 lesson2)
Right-Click – To press and release the right mouse button. (p80L5)
Right mouse button – The top-right part at the top of the mouse that you use for menu s. (p12 lesson1)
S Salutation – The opening words of a business letter. (p161L9)
Save – To keep what you did on a document in the computer, or cloud, so you can use it again later. (p80L5)
Screen – The part of the monitor that lights up and shows what is happening on the computer. (p2 lesson1)
ScreenTip – A little box that appears when you put your mouse on a button (without clicking) on the ribbon; it give you information about the button. (p161L9)
Scroll – To move the contents of window up, down, right, or left. (p80L5)
Scroll bar – The bar that lets you move to other parts of a web page. Some web pages use vertical and horizontal scroll bars. (p122L7)
Scroll wheel – The wheel on the mouse that scrolls up the screen. (p12 lesson1)
Search – A program feature that lets you look for something specific; to look for information on a specific topic on the Internet. (p101,124 L6)
Search engine – A website you can use to look for things on the Internet. (p123L7)
Select – To choose a letter, word, sentence, paragraph, or program. (p4 lesson1)
Send – To transmit a message from your email to another person’s email. (p141L8)
Settings – Information about how a program is set up. (p35 L2)
Shift key – A key that helps make a capital letter or the top symbol of the typed key. (p58 L4)
Shut down – To turn off the computer using the Start Menu or Control Alt Delete. Choose shut down to turn off the computer. (p5,14 lesson1)
Simulation – An exercise that is not real; it is planned ahead of time, with all the possibilities already set. (p123L7)
Sitting – The correct way to sit at the computer is to sit up straight in your chair, keep your wrists straight, keep your eyes at the same level as the top of the monitor, and to sit with your feet flat on the floor. (p8 lesson1)
Skill – Something you can do that requires learning and practice. (p186L10)
Slide show – A view used in PowerPoint or Slides when delivering a presentation. (Neff)
Slots – The openings in the front of the system unit for USB ports and/or digital camera cards. (p9 lesson1)
Social media – Web pages where people and businesses are joined to discuss interests in common.(Neff)
Sort – To put things in order according to name, size, or date. (p101L6)
Spacebar – The bar that puts a space between words. (p59 L4)
Speakers – These let you hear the sounds that the computer makes. (p7 lesson1)
Spelling and grammar button – A special tool that checks your spelling and grammar in a document. (p161L9)
Spreadsheet program – A program used mostly for numbers. (p37 L2)
Software – Programs added to the computer system that are not hardware, such as Wordpad. (p35 L2)
Start button – The round button on the bottom-left corner of your screen that opens the start menu. It shows the Windows logo. (p20 l2)
Start menu – The list that appears when you click on the Start button; it shows the main programs. (p20 L2)
Suite – A collection of software programs sold as one package like Microsoft Office or the Google apps.Neff
Tab – A small rectangle on the Word ribbon that you click to see different groups of buttons.(p160L9)
Taskbar – The bar at the bottom of the screen that shows all open programs. It’s the bar with Word, Excel, Powerpoint … on it. (p21 lesson2)
Text – The letters, numbers, and symbols you type on the keyboard. (p59 L4)
Theme – A set of formatting selections you can apply to a document.(Neff)
Title Bar– The bar at the very top of a window that shows the name of the program you are using. (p21 lesson2)
Turn on – To give power to the computer so that it works. (p4 lesson1)
Turn off – To stop the power from going to the computer. (p4 lesson1)
Tutorial – A program of some kind used to show and teach ideas. (p37 L2)
Type – To use the keyboard to put information on the page. (p60L4)
U Updates – Changes to a program downloaded from the web. (Neff)
Undo button – A button that allows you to cancel the last thing you did. (p186L10)
URL – The Universal Resource Locator or address for something on the Internet. (Neff)
USB – Universal Serial Bus Drive – A small tool used to save computer files; you can use it in different computers. (p78 L5)
USB Drive – A small tool used to save computer files. (p103L6)
USB port – A small opening on the CPU where you can insert a USB drive or flashdrive. (p78 L5)
V View – To look at something. (p36,101 L2)
Username – The name you choose for your personal email account. (p140L8)
Views button – A button that appears in different windows that is used to change how the files look on the screen; the Views button looks different with each view that is used. (p100L6)
Visit – To look at a website. (p124L7)
W Web – Another name for the World Wide Web or Internet. (Neff)
Web browser – A program like Google, or Bing or Safari, used to find things on the Internet. The software lets you connect to the Internet. (p37,122L2)
Web page – One page of a website.
Webmail – An email service that allows you to reach your email account from computers other than your own. (p140L8)
Website – A place on the Internet where you can find information by using a search engine or an Internet address. (p122L7)
Window – A rectangular area on the screen that shows a program or message. (p20 lesson2)
Windows – A program you can use to communicate with the CPU. Changes words to CPU language. Windows must be put onto the computer before you can do anything on the computer. PC’s, personal computers, usually use Microsoft Windows. (p10 lesson1)
Windows Desktop – The Windows screen, with icons usually on the left side, that you see when you start up a pc. Usually the task bar is at the bottom of the screen and the Microsoft Windows logo is in the center of the screen. Like the top of a desk, it represents your work area. (p11 lesson1)
Word processing program – A program used to type text. (p37 L2)
Word processor – An app that allow you to create and edit text. (Neff)
Word ribbon – Made of tabs and buttons grouped together. (p160L9)
Wordpad – A simple word processing program. (p64L4)
Work area or workspace – The work area is the place where your work shows when you put it into the computer by typing or using the mouse. (p26 L2)
Word wrap – The feature that wraps to the next line a long string of text beyond the right margin.(Neff)
Wrap – To make words automatically continue onto the next line. (p60L4)
Z Zoom – To change the size of the information you see on your screen. (p162L9)

a-z study sheet for final
Address bar p100
Align p80
Alignment p78
Appear p36
Appearance p35
Arrow keys p58
At or @ symbol p140
Back and forward buttons p126
Backspace key p58
Body of a doc p167
Bold type p79
Browse p124
Bullets p79
Buttons p21
C: drive p100
Calculator p36
Captcha – Random blurry letter you type to prevent spam, mass emails. (reCaptcha uses words from books, addresses, questions, or puzzles. It’s the most popular type. Humans pass, program bots don’t. (Neff)
Check p36
Check spelling p162
Checkbox p34
Choose p101
Clear p36
Click p4
Clip art
Clipboard p186
Clipboard group p187
Close p22
Close Button p21
Closing p161
Command p14
Compatibility mode – Documents created in earlier versions of Microsoft Office. (Neff)
Complimentary close p161
Compose p141
Computer window p100,103
Connect p124
Contacts p144
Copy p188
CPU p2
Crop – A feature used to hide any unwanted portions of a picture. (Neff)
Cursor p58
Cut p188
Database – A collection of information; allows users to select and sort records of information.(Neff)
Defrag – Using this reorganizes/rearranges the data on your hard drive so the computer runs better.(Neff)
Decrease p80
Delete p60
Delete key p58
Desktop p3
Dialog box p34
Document p78
Double-click p101
Drag or dragging p5
Drag and drop – A way of moving screen objects. (Neff)
Drop-down list arrow p34
Drop-down list box p34
DVD drive
(Some old computers may only have a CD drive.) p103
Email (Electronic mail) p140
Enter key p58
Favorites – Links that you save in your web browser. (Neff)
Field – A column of information in a sheet or spreadsheet.(Neff)
File p89
File tab p160
Folder p100
Font p78
Format (font) p80,162
Forward p141
G Go to p4
Google p130
Graphics program p37
Grayed out – An object that is lightened in color so that you know you can’t use it. (Neff)
Greeting p161
Group p160
Handles – The small squares or circles that surround an object when selected. You can drag a handle with the mouse pointer to resize the object. (Neff)
Hard drive or Hard disk p100 Part of the CPU. Has the guts of the equipment to run the computer and store the programs and files.
Hardware p34
Heading p166
Highlight p80
Hold p36
Homepage p123
I-beam – The shape of the mouse pointer when in a the typing area of a doc; it looks like a capitol “I” (Neff)
Icon p3
Inbox p140
Increase p80
Ignore p162
Insert p80,162
Insertion point – A blinking mark where text will appear on the screen. Also known as the cursor.(Neff)
Internet p122
Internet address p122
Internet connection p122,125
ISP (Internet Service Provider) p123
Italic type p79
Insert (text) p60
K Keyboard p2
L Let go p4
Let up p36
Libraries p103
Line spacing button p161
Link p122
Location – The place where something is.
M Maximize p22
Maximize button p20
Menu p12
Menu Bar p21
Message p140
Mini toolbar – Contains frequently used formatting commands like font size and color; appears when you select cells or text or when you right click on the cells or text. (Neff)
Minimize p22
Minimize button p20
Modem p122
Modify p101
Monitor p2
Monitor power button p2
Mouse left button p12
Mouse button p3
Mouse p12
Mouse pointer p11
Mouse right button p12
Mouse scroll wheel p12
Move p188
Moving a window p28
Multitask p188
N Navigation pane p103
Notepad p64
Numeric keypad p62
Objective p186
Open pp22,162
Operating system – The software that manages your computer: Windows 7 or 10, for example. (Neff)
Paint p42
Page setup p41
Password (p140L8) A secret code
Paste (p188L10)
PC – A personal computer that is not an Apple computer, iPad, MacBook, or such. (Neff)
Play(p36,101 L2)
Point –(p22 L2) Holding the tip of the mouse pointer over an object on the screen.
Power Button – p2
Presentation program – software such as PowerPoint or Slides that allows you to create multimedia shows that can be displayed on your computer or projected onto a screen of some type. (Neff)
Press p4
Preview (p36 L2)
Print (p60L4)
Printer (p59 L4)
Program – p20
Program menu button (p35 L2)
Quick access toolbar (p161L9)
Release (p36 L2)
Reply (p141L8)
Restore (p22 L2)
Restore Button p21
Result (p187L10)
Resume –(p189L10)
Ribbon p21
Right-Click (p80L5)
Right mouse button p12
Salutation (p161L9)
Save (p80L5)
Screen p2
ScreenTip (p161L9)
Scroll p80L5
Scroll bar (p122L7)
Scroll wheel p12
Search (p101,124 L6)
Search engine(p123L7)
Send (p141L8)
Settings –p35 L2)
Shift key (p58 L4)
Shut down (p5,14
Sitting – The correct way to sit at the computer is to p8
Skill (p186L10)
Slide show – A view used in PowerPoint or Slides when delivering a presentation. (Neff)
Slots p9
Social media – Web pages where people and businesses are joined to discuss interests in common.(Neff)
Sort (p101L6)
Spacebar (p59 L4)
Speakers p7
Spelling and grammar button (p161L9)
Spreadsheet program (p37 L2)
Software (p35 L2)
Start button (p20 l2)
Start menu (p20 L2)
Suite – A collection of software programs sold as one package like Microsoft Office or the Google apps.Neff
Tab .(p160L9)
Taskbar p21 Text (p59 L4)
Theme – A set of formatting selections you can apply to a document.(Neff)
Title Bar p21
Turn on p4)
Turn off p4
Tutorial (p37 L2)
Type (p60L4)
Updates – Changes to a program downloaded from the web. (Neff)
Undo button (p186L10)
URL – The Universal Resource Locator or address for something on the Internet. (Neff)
USB (p78 L5)
USB Drive (p103L6)
USB port (p78 L5)
View (p36,101 L2)
Username (p140L8)
Views button (p100L6)
Visit (p124L7)
Web – Another name for the World Wide Web or Internet. (Neff)
Web browser (p37,122L2)
Web page – One page of a website.
Webmail – (p140L8)
Website (p122L7)
Window p20
Windows p10
Windows Desktop p11
Word processing program (p37 L2)
Word processor – An app that allow you to create and edit text. (Neff)
Word ribbon (p160L9)
Wordpad (p64L4)
Work area or workspace . (p26 L2)
Word wrap – The feature that wraps to the next line a long string of text beyond the right margin.(Neff)
Wrap (p60L4)
Zoom p162




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