Clean Up Parade May 6, 2011

Clean Up Parade May 6, 2011

Congratulations to everyone who was involved in the 2011 Miller School Clean Up Parade!  We are now a GREEN school!  Our very own Mayor came to speak as well as the Superintendant of the Dearborn Public Schools.  And…..the WBPE did a GREAT job to open and close the ceremony!   I am proud of you!~  Here are some pictures of the event.

15 Responses »

  1. Thanks Ms.Harden it was very exciting. You are a very nice teacher. You made me love music. So thank you so much. I will keep doing my best at music until I become like you.

  2. Hi Mrs. harden, today is Eid! EID is the best holiday ever! I’m wearing my best dress. I’m gonna wear it on Wensday. Happy Eid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. HI Mrs. HARDEN!!!!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU!! I HOPE YOU’LL FEEL BETTER!!!!!!! I DON’T LIKE MUSIC IF YOUR NOT HERE!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. you make me feel like i can do anything in music. I know 3 belts.Can u tell mrs.moukalled nora loves her please………………………..can u . U made me feel in love in music also the piano most.

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