hi mrs harden feel better soon please ive prayed for u everyday to hope that your back surgery was nothing serious please please be okay u are also my favorite speical teacher ever please be okay not just because of druming and recoders because im worried about u like your daughter would i feel like crying in school when your not there its also like theres a hole in my body and heart when your not in school your my shining star!
P.S – K.I.T
Thank you Jenna, what a wonderful and uplifting message! Please do not worry, my surgery went very well, now I just need time to heal. I miss you and all of the students and staff too. Don’t be sad, I will be back before you know it and we will get going on some fun musical activities!
Hi Ms.Harden Welcome back to Miller! When I saw you today from the window I was sooooooooo happy that you’re ok and back to miller.
U made me love music Ms.Harden. Thank you very much. You’re the best teacher.
Hello Mohamed! I am not back at Miller yet, I am still at home recuperating. Did you see someone that looked like me? : ) I am looking forward to coming back in January. I am so happy to hear about how much you love music!
miller elementary
ms.nagi miller
hi mrs harden feel better soon please ive prayed for u everyday to hope that your back surgery was nothing serious please please be okay u are also my favorite speical teacher ever please be okay not just because of druming and recoders because im worried about u like your daughter would i feel like crying in school when your not there its also like theres a hole in my body and heart when your not in school your my shining star!
P.S – K.I.T
Thank you Jenna, what a wonderful and uplifting message! Please do not worry, my surgery went very well, now I just need time to heal. I miss you and all of the students and staff too. Don’t be sad, I will be back before you know it and we will get going on some fun musical activities!
Hi Ms.Harden I hope u feel better. The music room looks empty when I go there. Ur the best music teacher I’ve ever seen. Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you Mohamed, I hope that you had a nice Thanksgiving as well. The room can’t be empty if you are in it! : )
Hi Ms.Harden Welcome back to Miller! When I saw you today from the window I was sooooooooo happy that you’re ok and back to miller.
U made me love music Ms.Harden. Thank you very much. You’re the best teacher.
Hello Mohamed! I am not back at Miller yet, I am still at home recuperating. Did you see someone that looked like me? : ) I am looking forward to coming back in January. I am so happy to hear about how much you love music!