
Attention Stout Families… Picking up Personal Items/Materials from Stout

Dear Stout Students and Parents, 

Starting Monday, June 1st through Friday, June 5th, from 10am to 3pm, students will be able to RECOVER any materials they have in the building and RETURN any materials that are property of Stout that they may have. Please read the following information carefully as it pertains to your child. This will be conducted the same way as our Chromebook Distribution, as a drive through. However, the drive-through will take place in theStaff Parking Lot, at the far right if you were facing our building, where busses depart at the end of the day. The day that you can come pick up your materials depends on where your locker is. Parents must accompany their child and bring ID. Parents will be asked to pull into the Staff Parking Lot and follow the drive-through lane to the appropriate door, where materials will be handed to them through the passenger window. YOU MUST HAVE A PAPER WITH YOUR NAME ON IT AND LOCKER # WRITTEN ON IT TO SHOW THROUGH THE WINDOW TO STAFF WHEN YOU ARRIVE. Parents and students, PLEASE NOTE, if your items are not picked up by the end of the day on Friday, June 5th 2020, they will be donated to a local charity or disposed of. 

Pick-Up Schedule:

Monday, June 1st, 2020 C-hall lockers/G-hall lockers only 10am – 3pm

Tuesday, June 2nd, 2020 D-hall lockers only 10am – 3pm

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020 F-hall lockers only 10am – 3pm

Thursday, June 4th, 2020 H-hall lockers only 10am – 3pm

Friday, June 5th, 2020  Extra Pick-up Day 10am – 3pm

انتباه أهالي مدرسة ستاوت،

من يوم الاثنين ، 1 حزيران (يونيو) إلى الجمعة ، 5 حزيران (يونيو) ، سيتمكن الطلاب من استرداد أي مواد لديهم في المبنى وإعادة أي مواد مملوكة لمدرسة Stout من الساعة 10 صباحًا إلى الساعة 3 مساءً. يرجى قراءة المعلومات التالية بعناية لأنها تتعلق بطفلك. سيتم إجراء ذلك بالطريقة نفسها التي يتم بها توزيع Chromebook. ومع ذلك ، ستجري القيادة في ساحة انتظار الموظفينفي الجزء الخلفي من المبنى حيث تغادر الحافلات في نهاية اليوم. يعتمد اليوم الذي يمكنك فيه الحصول على موادك على مكان الخزانة الخاصة بطفلك أو locker. يجب على الآباء مرافقة أطفالهم وإحضار بطاقة الهوية. سيُطلب من الوالدين الانسحاب إلى ساحة انتظار الموظفين في الجزء الخلفي من المبنى واتباع طريق المرور عبر الممر إلى الباب المناسب.يجب أن يكون لديك ورقة مكتوب عليها أسم الطالب و رقم الخزانة الخاصة بطفلك locker , لتظهر من خلال النافذة إلى الموظفين عند وصولك. أولياء الأمور والطلاب ، يرجى ملاحظة أنه إذا لم يتم استلام العناصر الخاصة بك بحلول نهاية يوم الجمعة 5 يونيو 2020 ، فسيتم التبرع بها لجمعية خيرية محلية أو التخلص منها.

جدول الاستلام:

الاثنين 1 يونيو 2020                      خزائن C-hall و G-hall فقط

10 صباحًا – 3 مساءً

الثلاثاء 2 يونيو 2020                خزائن D-hall فقط

10 صباحًا – 3 مساءً

 الأربعاء 3 يونيو 2020                   خزائن F-hall فقط

10 صباحًا – 3 مساءً

 الخميس 4 يونيو 2020                   خزائن القاعة H فقط

10 صباحًا – 3 مساءً

الجمعة 5 يونيو 2020              يوم استلام إضافي


All students are expected to …

attend at least one LIVE session per week on the Big Blue Button platform through my i-Learn course. Your weekly assignments are posted on Google Classroom during the school closure. Visit Google Classroom for more details regarding your assignments. Please feel free to email me at sleimas@dearbornschools. My office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11am and 1-2 and on Fridays from 9 – 11am. This means that you may email me during those times and I will respond. I miss you all and hope that you and your families are staying safe and healthy during quarantine!


Remote Learning using Big Blue Button …

Remote Learning in Mrs. Sleiman’s Math classes using Big Blue Button...

Mondays and WednesdaysTuesdays and Thursdays
1st Hour11:00-11:30
2nd Hour11:40-12:10
3rd Hour12:20-12:50
4th Hour11:00-11:30
6th Hour11:40-12:10
7th Hour12:20-12:50

*Students, please note, you are only following this schedule if your teacher is doing LIVE sessions using Big Blue Button. 

**You must check your teacher’s blogs, Google Classrooms, or ilearns to find out what they will be doing. 


You are expected to meet at least once per week during Big Blue Button sessions. Your weekly assignments are posted on Google Classroom during the school closure.

All students are expected to continue learning until the end of the school year. Please visit Google Classroom to complete all of your assignments. Please feel free to email me at sleimas@dearbornschools. My office hours for now are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11am and 1-2 and on Fridays from 9 – 11am, This means that you may email me during those times and I will respond. You are responsible for attending at least one LIVE session per week on the Big Blue Button platform through my i-Learn course. I miss you all and hope that you and your families are staying safe and healthy during quarantine!


Remote Online Learning Etiquette …

Video Conferencing on Big Blue Button

  • Take a look at your video BEFORE joining the Math Session. Make sure that everything in the video (especially the background) is appropriate. You can turn camera off so no one can see you, if you prefer.
  • When you enter the Meet, you will automatically be muted (If you are not already muted, please do so until I unmute you)
  • When you have a question, type in the textbox and wait for your teacher to call on you.
  • When you have something to contribute to what is being said, but it is not your turn, use the chat feature in the left-hand corner.
  • Wait for the teacher to call on you to unmute yourself.
  • Only one student should contribute/talk at a time
  • Look into the camera when you are speaking.
  • Stay attentive. Pay attention to your teacher or other students who are speaking.


Remote Learning in Math

Dearborn Public’s Continuity of Learning Plan will be implemented beginning Monday, April 20th. The plan provides for continued instruction for all students, grading of assignments, minimum work amounts according to grade levels, teacher/student contact requirements and teacher accessibility. You may find the district’s plan by visiting Dearborn School’s website or directly through the following link:

Dearborn Continuity of Learning Plan

For the teacher accessibility stipulation, Stout has developed a schedule for Google Meets. Students are asked to participate in at least one of the Meets each of the days it is being taught. For 7th grade, the schedule is available through this link: Stout 7th Grade Google Meet/Office Hours Schedule

I will be teaching Math from 10am – 10:45am and again at 1:15 – 2pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students may attend either the am or pm session on both days.

Assignments for 7th grade Math this week will be posted in Google Classroom Monday afternoon. Students may follow the suggested pacing or they may work on the assignments as their schedules allow. All work is due on or before Friday, 6pm, unless stated otherwise in Google Classroom.

I will be available for one-on-one Google Meet, communication via Hangout chat [through the student’s district email], or phone conversation during my office hours on Fridays from 9-11 am. If your child requires one-on-one help, please contact me via email, so that I can schedule a time to meet with him or her.

I look forward to connecting with my students this week. Please let me know how I can make this new learning experience a positive one for you and your child. Please stay home and stay safe!


Falcon Pride Collage

Hey everyone,

Hope that you’re all doing well quarantining while on spring break with your families!!! I know that you all MISS BEING IN SCHOOL, but being at home right now is the safest for everyone!!! Take care and stay safe.

Click on the link below to see all your teachers with a message for you all….