These students will be representing Maples this year at the Art Show!  Congratulations!

The opening is Wednesday, April 22 at 4:00 p.m.  It’s in the Pazieski Gallery inside of the Dearborn Community and Performing Arts Center!


k hand shape  k hand shape student k flower k flower student

1st Grade

 1 snail 1 snail student

1 nest 1 nest student

2nd Grade

 2 dino 2 dino student  2 seascape 2 seascape student

3rd Grade

 3 zen hand   3 zen hand student         3 landscape3 landscape student

4th Grade

4 mask 4 mask student    4 home 4 home student

5th Grade

5 k-5 BB portrait 5 k-5 BB5 k-5 SF portrait 5 k-5 SF5 clay cake  5 clay cake student