
Here you can find more information about the iLearn art courses available for you. More options will be added weekly. Most courses go for 2-3 weeks of art classes, so you do not have to complete the full course in one week. If you finish early, you may do more projects, but you are not required to.

How To Log Into iLearn

Geer Park Specials iLearn Course

bryzs9 is the code for the GP Specials iLearn course. This is where our BigBlueButton hangouts will be each Tuesday.

Photography iLearn Course

fsymx3 is the code for the photography iLearn course. This course will cover projects for four weeks and you will learn about some photography artists and have a chance to take your own photographs of different subjects and in different styles!

Self Portrait iLearn Course

5xdqty is the code for the Self Portrait iLearn course. This course will cover 3 weeks of art class and has 3 different drawing projects, one per week.

Digital Art iLearn Course

6xkf6w is the code for the Digital Art iLearn course. This course will cover 2 weeks of art classes and has 2 different digital art projects, one per week.

Submitting a Photo to iLearn

Submitting a FIle From Google Drive to iLearn