If you email images of your artwork to brucep1@dearbornschools.org I will post it here so that it may inspire other artists!
Below are the artworks sent to me on Wednesday 6/10.
Here are artworks sent to me on Tuesday 6/9.
Look at all of the artists who were busy creating on Monday 6/8!
Look at some of the artwork sent to me over the weekend!
These artworks were sent to me on Friday 6/5!
Here are some of the artworks sent to me on Thursday 6/4.
Look at the art sent to me on Wednesday 6/3!
These are some of the photos of artwork sent to me on Tuesday 6/2!
Here are pictures sent to me on Monday 6/1!
These artists were busy creating over the weekend!
Look at the many artworks sent to me on Friday 5/29! I have enjoyed seeing what you are creating at home!
I loved seeing all of the artwork sent to me on Thursday 5/28- and I loved watching the coin spinner videos many of you sent me!
Here are some of the artworks sent to me on Wednesday 5/27!
These are works of art sent to me on Tuesday 5/26!
Here were artwork sent to me over Memorial Day weekend!
Here are artworks sent to me on Thursday 5/21!
There were many busy artists on Wednesday 5/20!
I loved seeing all of the different art projects you are trying at home on Tuesday 5/19!
Look at all of these artists that sent me their artwork on Monday 5/18 and over the weekend!
Here are the photos of at-home art making sent to me on Friday 5/15!
Many artists were using their creativity at home on Thursday 5/14!
Here are artworks sent to me on Wednesday 5/13!
I am happy to see all of this artwork that was made on Tuesday 5/12!
Look at all of the artists that started their week making art on Monday 5/11!
Here are the artworks sent to me on Friday 5/8!
More artists were creating at home on Thursday 5/7!
Here is some wonderful artwork sent to me on Wednesday 5/6!
I love all of the creativity that I can see is happening at home when I look at the artwork sent to me on Tuesday 5/5!
Look at the wonderful artwork shared with me on Monday 5/4!
Here is some artwork shared with me on Friday 5/1!
Here are photos shared with me on Thursday 4/30!
More creative artwork was shared with me on Wednesday 4/29!
Here are pictures of artwork sent to me on Tuesday 4/28. Keep making art at home everyone!
Look at this awesome stop motion animation that a student made!
Here are pictures of artwork sent to me on Monday 4/27!
I miss all of these artists! Here are pictures sent to me on Friday 4/24.
Look at some of the artwork created at home on Thursday 4/23!
It made my day to hear from these artists on Wednesday 4/22!
Here are many pictures from the hard-working artists at home on Tuesday 4/21!
I’m so proud of these artists who shared their artwork on Monday 4/20! I see that a couple of you have started your iLearn courses too!
Here are some awesome artists who used recycled materials and shared their artwork on Friday 4/17!
These are some hard-working artists that shared pictures with me on Thursday 4/16!
These photos brightened my day on Wednesday 4/15!
Look at these wonderful drawings sent to me on Tuesday 4/14!
Here are some artists being creative at home on Friday 4/3!