Today is the last day you can pick up a Chromebook (laptop) to use at home until we return to school in the fall. Only one adult per family will be allowed to enter Miller, so please keep the kids at home. Also, you must wear a mask or face covering.
Here is the schedule:
Kindergarten and 1st grade – from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
I have some bad news to tell you. We will not be able to have our Google Hangout today. Some students from other schools were not making good choices on their Hangouts, and now no one is allowed to meet that way anymore. I am so sad! Hopefully we will find a new way to chat soon. 🙁
Today I made a special page on my blog for pictures. If your parents say it is alright, email pictures you would like me to post for your friends to see. Your first picture could be the thing you were going to share with us during our Hangout today.
We will be using Google Classroom for some of your assignments this week. You can find a link to it on your Clever page. Also, it is important for you to begin checking your email every day. Many of your teachers have been sending you emails and it is important for you to read them.
When you are finished with theGoogle Classroom work, turn it in so I can grade it.
To turn in your work, click on the blue Turn In button,
Ms. Mikho made a video to help you learn how to use Google Classroom. Watch this if you need some help. Video
Here is the work I would like you to finish today:
Fantastic job, friends! Every week more and more of you are finishing more work. Doing the assigned work every day really helps you stay on track to have your work done by Friday. 🙂
Super-Duper Star Students– My Super-Duper Star Students finished all of our digital assignments this week. A big Woohoo goes out to Maysa, Wlayah, Hussein, Rukaya B., Abdullah G., Manissa, Abdulla M., and Yusuf.
Super Star Students– My Super Star Students finished almost all of our digital assignments. Congratulations goes out to AliHaidar, Fatma, Abbas, Laila, Owais, Isam, Baraah, Roqaya A. and Jayden.
Super Students– My super students finished some of our digital assignments this week. Great work Najeeb and Malak.
Ramadan Mubarak to all those observing! We wish you a blessed month with continued health and happiness. Please join Jawad Taha from Ms. Siciliano’s second grade class with our morning message in a two part video! We hope you all have a wonderful weekend. You are all missed and loved very much!
Happy Friday and Happy Ramadan for all of my friends that are celebrating!
Look through my daily posts this week and make sure you have all of your work finished today. I know you can all be a Super Duper Star Students this week. Have a great weekend!
Reading- Watch the video Dogs. Read the Google Slide to answer the questions about the book.
Please join Ranya Alhabel from Mrs. Hammoud’s second grade class with the morning announcement. We are SO PROUD of all our students who have sent videos and those who continue to send. Please keep them coming. We LOVE seeing you!
Happy Thursday! I loved seeing so many of you during our class meeting yesterday. It made me so happy to see your smiling faces. I cannot wait until our next meeting on Monday at 3:00. Don’t forget to find something special you would like to share with us. 🙂
Double check to see if you are on track to finish all of your work by tomorrow. I know you can all be Super-Duper Star Students this week.
Social Studies– Listen to the story As An Oak Tree Grows. Open the Google Slide below and answer the questions about the story in your journal. We will begin using Google Classroom next week to make it easier for you to share your answers with me.
We hope you are all doing well! Please join Hadi Chammout from Ms. Harrison’s second grade class with our morning message!
Today is Earth Day!
To mark Earth Day, students can learn about environment, climate online and outdoors! Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) is hosting a livestream event from 10-10:30 a.m. Wednesday with EGLE Director Liesl Clark and EGLE Office of Climate and Energy Adviser Brandy Brown, who will both talk about ways Michigan students can take steps to help protect the Earth. Join the livestream here.
Good morning! I am so excited to see you all this afternoon. I sent you an email called Mrs. Hauck’s Class First Meeting 4-22-20. You will need to open that email to find the link to join our Google Hangout today. Also, I will send your parents a Remind text today at 2:50 today to remind you to log onto your computer and join our Google Hangout by 3:00.
Click on the Gmail link on your Clever page to get to your email.
Open the email invitation for Mrs.Hauck’s Class First Meeting 4-22-20. Click on the blue ‘Join Hangout Meet’ link (circled in the picture below).
After you click the link, you will be asked to turn on your camera and microphone. Say yes so we will all be able to see and hear you. Next, you will see a green oval that says “Join Now”. Click on that button and you should be all ready to join our chat.
If you need any help logging on, ask your parents to text me on Remind and I will do my best to help you. 🙂
Here is the work I would like you to do today:
Reading – Watch the video Let’s Look at Spring. Open the link below the video and answer the questions.