Week of April 27

This weeks lessons are all Mystery Science lessons. Watch the video and then go to the end after the activity to see the wrap up video.

Kindergarten- How can you find animals in the woods? https://mysteryscience.com/secrets/mystery-3/animal-needs-safety/116?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

First grade- Why are polar bears white? https://mysteryscience.com/powers/mystery-3/camouflage-animal-survival/118?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Second grade- How did a tree travel halfway across the world? https://mysteryscience.com/plants/mystery-1/seed-dispersal/84?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Third grade- Why do dogs wag their tails? https://mysteryscience.com/animals/mystery-6/animal-groups-survival/265?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Fourth grade- Will a mountain last forever? https://mysteryscience.com/rocks/mystery-3/weathering-erosion/57?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Fifth grade- Why would a hawk move to New York? https://mysteryscience.com/ecosystems/mystery-1/food-chains-predators-herbivores-carnivores/119?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Week of April 20- Earth Week

April 22 is Earth day. It is a day/week that celebrates the Earth and think of how we can help the Earth. I posted 2 quick videos and 2 stem activities you could do to celebrate.

PBS Kids Earth day video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuhpygdNmcQ

Earth day celebrations around the world video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz1YnhCxaso

Build a bird feeder stem activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uruQS6EJyI&feature=emb_logo

Build a wind powered car stem activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=lyvWd-TqqLI&feature=emb_logo

Don’t forget to send me a picture of the stem activity you made. Wish we could be together to celebrate Earth day. Missing all of you.


Week of April 13

I wish we were able to do these activities together.

Watch the video. I know you may not have the materials to do the activities but remember even if you don’t do the activity yourself, go past the activity. They will show you what happened when they did it and usually there is a final part to the videos.

Kinder- Animals need shelter https://mysteryscience.com/secrets/mystery-2/animal-needs-shelter/134?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

First- Animal behavior https://mysteryscience.com/powers/mystery-2/animal-behavior-offspring-survival/139?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Second- Bird feeders https://mysteryscience.com/biodiversity/mystery-3/biodiversity-engineering/176?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Third- animal survival https://mysteryscience.com/animals/mystery-5/trait-variation-natural-selection-survival/120?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Forth- Why do volcanoes explode- https://mysteryscience.com/rocks/mystery-2/volcanoes-rock-cycle/55?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Fifth- Why do things explode https://mysteryscience.com/chemistry/mystery-5/gases-particle-models/169?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

See an animal in your house!

Super fun to play with.

You can see an animal in your house if you Google search an animal name (on iPhone or android) and then press ‘View in 3D’. It opens your camera and soon will show you the animal moving in your room. You can walk around it and take a picture of it with people. Look for :
Emperor penguin
Angler fish
Brown bear
Shetland pony

Science week of March 30

These are all Mystery Science lessons. It is wonderful if you can do the activity but if you can’t, go through the directions until you get towards the end. There is always a section showing what happens and usually a wrap up section there.

Missing everyone!!!!! Hope you enjoy.

Kinder – animals need food https://mysteryscience.com/secrets/mystery-1/animal-needs-food/115?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

First- Why do birds have beaks https://mysteryscience.com/powers/mystery-1/animal-structures-survival/117?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Second- Why do Frogs ribbit? https://mysteryscience.com/biodiversity/mystery-2/biodiversity-habitats-species/175?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Third – What animals could there be in the future? https://mysteryscience.com/animals/mystery-4/trait-variation-inheritance-artificial-selection/30?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Fourth- Could a volcano pop up where you live? https://mysteryscience.com/rocks/mystery-1/volcanoes-patterns-of-earth-s-features/53?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student

Fifth- Chemical Reactions https://mysteryscience.com/chemistry/mystery-4/chemical-reactions/110?code=NDI4ODkxMw&t=student