This a a fun way we practice skills in our classroom. It is now available for families to use at home during the school closures across the country. The kids love it!
Author Archives: Sharon Hauck
School Closure
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. As you know, Governor Whitmer has decided to to close all schools K-12 for 3 weeks. Dearborn will also have our spring break added to that, so the plan is for school to reopen on Monday, April 13th.
I will be sending Remind texts and updating my blog to keep you updated on any information from the Dearborn Public Schools. Your child will continue learning during our time off. Each Sunday I will post a list of learning activities for your child to work on throughout the week. It is very important they practice and maintain the skills they have learned so far this year.
Please feel free to contact me anytime about any concerns or questions you may have using Remind text or my email (
Enjoy the extra family time and stay healthy. 🙂
Next Week
PBIS Reward Party-The children may bring a toy from home to play during our celebration.
Pizza sale $1 slices
Election Day
Bake Sale- We would love your donations (cupcakes, cookies, brownies) to sell during the day.
Read with a Furry Friend Day- The children may bring a stuffed animal to read to for March is Reading Month.
1/2 Day- students will be dismissed at 11:45
Crazy Hair Day
March is Reading Month
The best month of the school year is here! March is reading month at Miller, and we have a lot of fun things planned. The calendar with all of our activities is linked below for your convenience.
We would love to have you join our class to share a favorite story with us. A note will be coming home today inviting you to read to our class. If you are interested, please fill out the bottom information and return it to me so I can schedule your visit.
We are looking forward to a month full of fun!
Family Fun Night
Join us today from 4:00-5:30 for Dearborn SHINES Family Fun Night. It will be an evening of fun and exercise! 🙂
D-SHINES Parent Survey
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey. 🙂
Also, please join us for our next PTA meeting on Friday at 9:00. Stop by our classroom afterwards to say hello.
This Week
Monday– We have a pizza sale every Monday after school. Slices are $1 a slice.
Wednesday– Count Day Our school funding is based on the number of students at school that day, so please make sure your children come to school unless they are sick and contagious.
Thursday- Family Game Night is from 4:45-5:45 PM. The first 60 families to arrive will receive a $15 off coupon toward any game purchase.
Friday– We will be having our Valentine’s Day celebration in the afternoon. Everyone will be passing out cards to our friends. If you would like to send in a snack for our party, the kids would love that. Please remember we have a friend with a nut allergy in our class and cupcakes are not allowed at classroom parties.
Movie Night
Come enjoy a fun evening tonight for Movie Night beginning at 4:00. Students must be accompanied by a parent. Admission is $2 and includes 1 slice of pizza, juice and the movie Toy Story 4.
This Week
Gleaners Food Bank will be at Miller tomorrow at 11:00. Stop by to pick up some food for your family.
Wednesday is a late start day. Breakfast begins at 9:00 and the school day will begin at 9:35.
Next week we will be having a Miller Family Game Night on Thursday the 13th from 4:45-5:45. Come early to be one of the first 60 families to receive a $15 coupon towards a free game to take home with you. 🙂