Author Archives: Sharon Hauck
Dearborn Public Schools Social Support Hotline
Morning Message
Great job, Lilly!
Story Time with Mrs. Thompson
Pledge of Allegiance and Miller Pledge
We will be adding a new video every day. If you are interested in saying the pledge, let me know. Maya, you did a great job!
Live Science Steaming
I saw this message from the Michigan Science Center today on my Facebook page, and wanted to share it for my science lovers. The fun begins at 2:30 on the Michigan Science Center Facebook page. If you parents have a Facebook account, ask them to help you find it. I believe the Chromebooks block Facebook, so you will need to watch on another device.
Here is a copy of their post:
Mark your calendars! MiSci is launching ECHO Live! TODAY! We’ll be conducting some of our most exciting, large-scale science demonstrations daily from the ECHO Distance Learning Studio. 🛰 Anyone with an internet-connected device can tune in and participate in these engaging, programs. Join us as we broadcast LIVE form MiSci every weekday at 2:30 p.m.!
Parent Resource- Social Emotional Learning
Some amazing Miller support staff members have created resources for you to use to help calm the fears of your child during this scary time.
To access the information, follow the link below. When I joined the group, I had to press the + on the top right corner to join a new class in Google Classroom. The next screen I got asked me to add the class code. The class code you need to enter is xtogv53. You may need to use your child’s Clever link to access Google Classroom for this to work, but I’m not sure.
I will do my best to help you access this great resource if you have any trouble.
Chromebook Sign-out Tomorrow

Work to Complete the Week of March 16th
Due to the school closure, you will need to complete the following work at home. I have added links to the Class Links area on this page to help you find important websites quickly. I also added links in the list of work you need to finish by Friday, March 20th. Keep all of your work in your blue homework folder and your journal I gave you during our conference in the fall. Bring all of the work to school when we are able to return to Miller.
Ask your parents to use Remind Text or email me if you have any questions. Our first week of home learning may be a little unusual, but I know we will be able to work together to make sure you continue learning while you are at home.
Morning Work
Complete pages 121-125 this week . You can print the pages or do the work in your journal. In your journal, write the date and page number on each page before you begin to do your work.
iReady– Log onto iReady through the Clever link on this page. Complete the two teacher assigned lessons in the blue boxes (Retell Stories and Understand the Central Message). Continue working on the My Path lessons in the green box until you reach your 45 minute goal by Friday. You will earn raffle tickets for the chance to win prizes on all lessons you pass with at least 85%. Once you reach your goal, log onto Kids A-Z. Clever
If you are having trouble logging into iReady at home, Kids A-Z is a great alternative. I love that students can choose to listen to a book before reading it.
I entered your current reading level, so the books selections should be good fit books for you. Follow the link to the website and search my username haucks1. Click on your username and enter your password like you would logging onto the Chromebooks at school.
iReady Reading At-Home Activity Packet– Complete the work for The Secret Live Elvis on pages 7-17. You can print the pages and work on them that way, write the answers in the journal, or on any paper you have at home. Link to iReady Reading Packet
Read for at least 20 minutes every day. Read from your bag of books, books at your house, on Unite for Literacy or on Kids A-Z.
I will miss my favorite part of our day…reading to you. Here are two links to stories being read by some great readers. Listen to at least one story every day. Sit back and enjoy. 🙂
This week you will study your spelling words and take your spelling test on the website Spelling City. I assigned some fun games for you to play with your spelling words. On Friday, click on the Spelling Test Me button and take your spelling test on the website.
Your username and password are the same ones we use to log onto the laptops at school. Just click the link to go to the page. Once you are there, click on the blue login button in the top right corner and enter your information. If you need any help, please contact me. I am happy to help. Spelling City
Spelling Words for the week of March 16, 2020
Spelling Skill: CVCe words
Spelling Words: five, drive, mice, dime, time, slice, been, work, off, cold
Modified List: five, time, mice, dime, off
There are 5 writing assignments for you this week. Use your journal or any paper you have at home. Make sure to put the work in your homework folder so you can turn it in to me if you are not writing in your journal.
Opinion Writing: Should we be staying home from school for a month? Include your opinion, 3 reasons for you opinion, and a conclusion. Add an illustration when you are finished writing.
Write about anything you would like today. Do your best printing, include uppercase letters at the beginning of your sentences and punctuation marks at the end. You should have at least 5 sentences and an illustration.
Opinion Writing: Which special area class do you like best? Include your opinion, 3 reasons for you opinion, and a conclusion. Add an illustration when you are finished writing.
Write the important parts of a story you read this week. Include details from the beginning, middle and end of the story (BME).
Write about anything you would like today. Do your best printing, include uppercase letters at the beginning of your sentences, and punctuation marks at the end. You should have at least 5 sentences and an illustration.
Go on Zearn for at least 45 minutes this week.
iReady Math At-Home Packet Complete the work on Using Strategies to Add on pages 3-10. You can print it or write the page number and answers in your journal. Link to iReady Math Packet
Play Stop the Clock at least 3 days this week. Begin with telling time to the hour and half hour, and challenge yourself to tell time to the 5 minutes.
You have two assignments this week in science.
Animals in Winter by Henrietta Bankroft Click on this link to listen to the story.
Write what you learned in your journal or on any paper you have at home. Put it in your homework folder right away if it is not in your journal. Answer these questions: What happens to the weather? What do animals do?
For the next assignment, follow the link and explore to find the answer to the question….Why are polar bears white? Watch the videos about camouflaged animals. (You may skip the moth activity since you do not have the supplies.). Write about what you learned. Why are some animals camouflage? Why do you think polar bears are white?
Social Studies
Read or listen to the two informational articles and answer the questions. Make sure you click on the SUBMIT button when you are done so I can see your work.
Link to ReadWorks. Use the class code 5S5JZN. The password is 1234.
Seven Large Lands – Answer the 8 questions once you have read or listen to the article. Submit.
Oceans Around the World – Answer the 8 questions once you have read or listen to the article. Submit.
Email Me
I’d love to keep in touch with you while we all at home. Email me so I know you are reading my blog, and I will write you back. We can be penpals! 🙂 I already miss you all so much, but I am happy we are all safe at home with our families.
If You Like Games
I have may links on this page to take you to some fun websites. Play some math or reading games on ABCya, explore National Geographic Kids, or play on Starfall. How about Fluency and Fitness? Scholastic even has some fun things to take a look at this week. Try getting a little exercise by visiting the GoNoodle website. Have fun trying new things this week!
Learning at Home with Scholastic
Scholastic has created 20 days worth of fun and exciting activities for children to use during the school closure. Click on the link below to access the material.